Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Fixed Rate Isa December 2009

Baigli cu mac - Baigli with nuts and poppy seeds - Baigli

over : with bnuts filling  / sopra con le noci / deasupra cu nuci
under : with poppyseeds filling / sotto con il ripieno di semi di papavero /  cea de jos cu umplutura de mac

ingredienti per 2 baigli uno gherigli di noci e l'altro con semi di papavero:

450 gr di farina OO
100 g di burro
1 / 2 pacchetto di lievito secco (o 10 grammi di lievito di birra fresco) 1 cucchiaino sciolto con il latte caldo e 1 cucchiaino di zucchero o miele **
2 cucchiai di zucchero semolato
2 tuorli
panna acida o panna fresca q.b. per impastare e che l'impasto risulta non appiccicoso alle mani

ripieno di noci:

225 gr di zucchero semolato
300 g gherigli di noci macinate
latte caldo q.b.
scorza di arancia
1-2 cucchiai di marmellata *
1 manciata di uva passa
1 cucchiaio di cacao
1 bianco di uovo montato a neve

ripieno di semi di papavero :

75 g di zucchero
75 gr di miele
100 g di semi di papavero
buccia di arancia o di limone
una manciata di uva passa
latte caldo q.b.
1 bianco di uovo montato a neve

panna acida o fresca per spennellare prima di infornare o tuorlo di uovo ( io ho spennellato con panna acida perche anche nel impasto ho aggiunto panna acida)

Frullate il burro e lo zucchero e aggiungete i tuorli. Versate il lievito sciolto con il latte e il miele/ zucchero e la farina e impastate aggiungendo panna ( fresca o acida) quanto è necessario per ottenere un impasto che non si appiccica alle mani. Lasciate lievitare in un posto caldo per 30 minuti / mentre preparate il ripieno.

Preparariamo il ripieno:

di noci ...
Mescolate lo zucchero con le noci macinate e gli altri ingredienti e aggiungete il latte caldo per coprire tutto, lasciate sobbollire a fuoco basso fino diventa cremoso (attenzione a non bruciare mescolate sempre). Quando diventa una crema lasciatella che si raffredda e aggiungete il bianco montato a neve.

di semi di papavero ...
Riscaldate il miele a bagnomaria o nel forno a microonde e aggiungete lo zucchero e i semi di papavero macinati nella machina macina caffè o nel trittatutto , facendo atenzione perche i semi di papavero scaldano la machina e si rischia di brucciarla , non macinate troppi semi in una sola volta. Aggiungete the rest of the ingredients and the hot milk to cover everything, cook over low heat until creamy. Let cool and add the white whites.

Divide the dough in two and roll out the first part ain a rectangular shape with the length of the measurement of the length of the pan, and much thinner, 'you can without breaking the thin dough. Pour the filling first as a swivel, spreading the filling on the pastry, how to turn a simple swivel. We can help with baking paper (roll out the dough on parchment paper and not on the table is easy to roll and then to move into the pan). Proceed in the same way for the second mixture and the second filling. Put all the two swivels in a baking pan with parchment paper or baking pan dusted with flour, il'impasto and fat, almost like a pastry and not attacking the pan easily. Brush with sour cream or egg yolk and bake at medium heat until they become golden. Do not overcook because the imapsto sbricciola becomes too dry and you look like a biscuit. Let them cool and thinly slice after having dusted with icing sugar. * I used

quince jam, but you can do with apricot jam or peach and without
** there are two schools of thought who adds the yeast and who is not, I chose to add

in Roman

ingredient pentru 2 baigli one with walnuts and one with mac: 450 gr flour


100g butter 1 / 2 package dry yeast (or 10 grams fresh yeast) 1 teaspoon melted with warm milk and 1 teaspoon sugar or honey 2 **
2 tablespoons granulated sugar

yellow cream is needed to read iasaun dough does not stick to hands

nut filling: 225 gr granulated sugar

300 gr ground walnuts
cleaned and how much is needed
hot milk crust race 1 to 2 tablespoons orange marmalade

a handful of raisins * 1 tablespoon cocoa

beat 1 egg white foam filled with poppy


75 grams sugar 75 grams honey 100 grams poppy ground

coaja rasa de portocala sau lamiie
un pumn de stafide
lapte fierbinte daca este nevoie
1 albus spuma

smintina pentru uns baigli inainte sa le coacem sau galbenus de ou

Pregatim aluatul amestecind untul cu zaharul pina devine spuma, adaugam si galbenusele si mixam iar ( se poate amesteca cu lingura sau cu mixerul). Adaugam drojdia topita cu lapte si zahar sau miere si faina si framintam adaugind smintina atit cit este nevoie ca sa rezulte un aluat care nu se lipeste de miini.Lasati sa dospeasca putin, la loc cadut, cca 30 minute cit pregatiti umpluturile.

Pregatim umpluturile :

cu nuca ...
amestecam zaharul cu nucile si restul ingredientelor si adaugam how hot milk to cover everything, let it simmer on low heat until creamy (careful not to burn or an lièeasca, stir constantly). When you put the cream has cooled down a bit and then add the beaten egg white foam.

poppy ...
put honey in the warm bain marie or preferably oven / microwave and add sugar and ground poppy (in risnnita car for coffee or ground nuts) and add the remaining ingredients and how to cover the hot milk. Allow to simmer on low heat until creamy. Let cool and add egg white foam.

Divide dough in two and spread first sheet, rectangular pan with sides has length and as thin. Place the first filling o nivelati si rulati aluatul, e bine sa va ajutati de o bucata de hirtie de copt ( intindeti aluatul pe hirtie de copt si nu pe masa de lucru, in felul asta odata rulat este deja pe hirtie si va e usor sa asezati cu hirtia rulada in tava). Procedam identic si pentru cea de-a doua umplutura. Punem ruladele in tava una linga alta, pe hirtie de copt sau in tava presarata numai cu faina ( aluatul este destul de gras si nu se lipeste). Ungem fiecare rulada cu smintina ( acra ) sau daca vreti cu galbenus de ou si coacem la foc mediu pina cind devin aurii. Nu le coaceti prea mult ca se va sfarima aluatul, o sa fie ca un biscuit care se intareste. Le lasam la racit apoi le taiem felii si daca vreti le pudrati zahar pudra.

* am folosit marmelada de gutui dar may as well make apricot jam, peach
original is no jam, cocoa, raisins but I pieced together several recipes I read and an improvised my taste. **

are two kinds of recipes without yeast or yeast I chose english

Ingredients per 2 Another one with nuts and poppy seeds with 450 gr

OO flour 100g butter 1
/ 2 package dry yeast (fresh yeast or 10 grams) 1 teaspoon melted with warm milk and 1 teaspoon sugar or honey 2 tablespoons granulated sugar **

two yolks fresh cream or sour cream as you Need to knead the Dough does stick note
nuts to filling:

225 gr granulated sugar
300 g peeled and ground nuts
hot milk as you need
orange zest
1-2 tablespoons marmalade *
1 handful of raisins
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 white egg

poppyseeds filling:

75 g sugar
75 gr honey
100 g freshly ground poppyseeds (finely)
orange or lemon zest
a handful of raisins
hot milk how much you need
1 egg white

sour cream or yolk for greased before you bake

Mix butter, yolks and sugar, add flour and yeast mixed with milk and a tablespoon of sugar and knead, add sour cream or fresh cream ( I used sour cream) as you need to knead a dough does not stick to hands. While the dough is rising,  prepare the filling .

nuts filling:

Mix the sugar with nuts and remaining ingredients and add hot milk how to cover everything, let it simmer on low heat until creamy (be careful not to burn, stir constantly). Cool the cream and then add whiped egg white.

poppyseeds filling:

Warmed the honey in a bain marie or microwave and add sugar and ground poppyseeds and the remaining ingredients and milk as you need to cover all and cook over low heat until creamy. Let cool and add egg white foam.

Divide dough in two and roll each out in a rectangular shape( the long part equal as the long side of the pan). Spread with filling each one ( first with nuts and the other one with poppyseeds filling ) and roll up. Use a backing paper to roll the dough and use it to roll up with the filling, at least use the same paper in the pan to bake the beigli. Let rise in a warm area. Brush each cake with sour cream or with egg yolk and bake at medium heat until golden brown. Let them cool and then cut them into slices, if you want first powder your baigli with powdered sugar.

* I used quince jam but you may use apricot jam or peach or don't add jam... The original recoipe it is withaout jam, cacao, raisins, but after I reed a lot of recipes in internet I prepare as I like :-)

** there are 2 kind of recipe with and without yeast, I choose adding the yeast.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Import Xml To Database

salad with nuts and poppyseeds with Olivier Fish - Salata cu fever Olivier - Olivier salad with fish

patate , carote, piselli, uova sode, fieltti di pesce lesso o tonno al naturale, mela verde, olive, cetrioli sotto aceto o in salamoia, peperoni in agrodolce, senape, maionese, sale q.b., succo di limone

Far bollire le patate con le carote. Seaparatamente lessate i piselli e il pesce. Preèparate le uova sode. Tagliuzziamo tutto ( patate, carote, il peste, le olive, le uova sode, i peperoni sotto aceto) in piccoli dadini. Incorporiamo tutto con la maionese, senape, sale e succo di limone. Aggiungiamo i cetrioli gratugiati e schaicciati per eliminare la l'acqua/ la salamoia o l'aceto e fresca che gratugiata the green mela give them Sapori unico.

in Romanian


potatoes, carrots, peas, boiled eggs, boiled fish (boneless) or tuna in natural sauce, green apple, olives, pickles in vinegar or brine, or sweet pickled peppers, mustard, mayonnaise, salt, lemon juice

Boil potatoes with carrots, peas separately and individually for all the fish have different boiling time. Cut everything into small cubes. Mix everything with mayonnaise and mustard, salt and add lemon juice and fresh apple flavor gives it a unique and little grated cucumber and squeeze on CSR bine ca sa elimine zeama.



potatoes,carrots,peas, eggs,fish boiled, green apple,olives, cucumbers in vinegar or brine,pickled peppers,mustard, mayonnaise, salt, lemon juice

Boil vegetables and fish.
Cube the vegetables, pickles, olives and fish.
Place all in a bowl. Prepare the mayo with the hard boiled yolks, oil and mustard. Add 3/4 of the mayo to the mixture. Add gratted apples, another mustard, salt, lemon juice, and gratted pickled cucumber.
Cover the salad with the rest of mayo and garnish with a few olives, hard boiled egg white, egg slices, pickled red peppers,cucumbbers in brine or vinegar, parsley. Try to shape
Some designs.

also read / Citeste si / Also Read: Beuf Salata (recipe Rumanian / Romanian recipe) - Russian salad with meat - Russian salad / salad with meat Olivier

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dora The Explorer Clip Art Gate

Sarmale - Romanian cabbage rolls - cabbage rolls with beef (recipe Romania)

The "Sarmale" are the cabbage rolls. The name comes from the verb meaning tturco sarmak arrotolare.Nella the Romanian cuisine "sarmale" are presented in different ways and with different fillings. Almost every household or region has its own recipe. Even the dimensions are different : Moldova in the rolls must be very small, are the largest in Transylvania For Lent can replace the meat with mushrooms or vegetables.
rolls in cabbage leaves are all over the ' Europe, perhaps ever brought by the Turks:
- with blanched cabbage are also in Italy's Piedmont and Lombardy capunét Capua, I read that in Tuscany are prepared, maybe even more but I have never heard
- are prepared with sour cabbage in the Ukraine, Poland.
In Romania are preparing anche gòli involtini in foglia di vite ( simili a dolmades  in Grecia o Turchia, ma con ripieni diversi, con delle erbe aromatice diverse di quelle usate nella cucina turca o greca) ma anche involtini di carne macinata in foglie di tiglio o di Romice erba pazienza (lat. Rumex patientia ) .

- 1 cavolo verza grande
- 700 gr carne tritta mista (maiale e vitello)
- 1 cipolla
- aromi (pepe, paprica, sale, prezzemolo tritato o anetto)
- 100 gr di riso
- concentrato di pomodoro
- aneto secco e santoreggia /erba din San Giuliano o timo
se a cualquno piace il gusto piu' grasso scegliete della carne piu' grassa.

In traditional recipe if you add a tablespoon of lard that makes the rolls less compact and more 'soft.
In Romania prepares for first acisda the cabbage, autumn begins in brine.

In the absence of this sour cabbage (pickled) we soften the cabbage leaves: bolente is immersed in water + lemon juice + salt to a second sheet and continue with the first layer all large leaves, small you put on the bottom of the pot. To make them soft in the end all the leaves until they become a very hot little transparent, they drain.

Quest 'year I made the cabbage in brine.
I put the cabbage ( cavolo verza anche se quella giusta è un tipo di cavolo capuccio) in acqua bollente e man mano che la foglia esterna si ammorbidiva la toglievo . Si puo' anche mettere la verza nel frizer e dopo una notte si scongela ed è morbida, si tolgono facilmente le foglie si puo' arrotolare.
Ho tagliato la parte molto grossa, centrale, di ogni folglia. Se la foglia è troppo grande si puo' tagliare in due, la misura giusta è quasi quanto il vostro palmo della mano . Con le foglie sbolentate e addagiate una sopra l'altra ho formato due rotoli che ho infilato in un baratolo, sul fondo del baratolo avevo meso rametti di santoreggia secca e semi di aneto ( dovevo mettere fusti con l'inflorescenza del aneto), sopra i rotoli di verza ho aggiunto of chopped cabbage and dill and savory again. It should be well dried thyme if you do not find another. I poured the brine (per liter of water a spoon, add salt, not iodized salt is dissolved in cold water or you can 'boil and then cool). Once filled with brine baratolo cover with a saucer and leave in warm place in the kitchen if it is' the cabbage becomes very hot acid in 1-2 weeks, but if your kitchen is as I have around 18 -19 ° C, perhaps in a month. Do not throw away the brine advanced because it begins to brew a little escapes' from baratolo and then you add a little more to get the full baratolo and the cabbage covered with brine.

With the blanched cabbage or sour prepare the rolls.

the chopped onion to the pan if the stove with some oil, salt and rice cuando until the rice becomes a little transparent. You add the tomato paste
amalgam is the meat with the onion, rice ...
Take a cabbage leaf (a half after we removed the hard part), it puts on a spoonful of filling, the cabbage wraps, they will eventually push inward with your fingers the edges of the cabbage, so that the roll closes completely.

In a pot (or crock ideal would be to Ghiza) then you can also put in the oven, you put one or two whole leaves of cabbage and a layer of thin strips of cabbage and then, beam or concentric circles, the involtni thick. In the middle of the circle and obtained over each layer of cabbage rolls it adds cut, diced bacon or smoked meat or sausage afumicatta. This continues until all the rolls. Above everything is covered with another leaf or cabbage very finely.
You add cold water almost to cover them and cook over low heat for when it begins to boil many hours (more 'cooks, the better). Do not mix because if you do not disappear, sometimes you just have to move well above the pot when the water is going to consume everything. After the first hour you can 'continue to cook in the oven if the pan is suitable. Bake without a cover.

note: Instead of blanching the cabbage you can put in the freezer for a night, the day after the leaves will have thawed morbideissime, perfect to be rolled.

note: the sour cabbage rolls is perfect for shops in Romania, Poland or ucarini. he leaves sottilissime e vengono molto belli dei involtini

in Romanian

a large cabbage
700 gr minced beef 1 onion

mixed spices (salt, pepper, paprika, chopped parsley or dill) rice 100g

broth dried dill and thyme

sauerkraut cabbage or lack thereof that scalding hot water + salt + lemon juice or soup cube ...
introduce cabbage in boiling water first, undo the first layer of leaves and so continue, when we put them off all the leaves boiled in water until they become almost transparent, they leak, cut the very middle (rib) and share spreadsheets higher in two pieces ... the ideal size is how your hand. This year I put
pickled cabbage as seen in the pictures I have found it, the green leaf grows. Who does not want to opareasca
cabbage can post it in the freezer for one night, one out of two days and thawed, soft sheets will be better prepared with cabbage rolls and place them in the pickle jar.

prepare filling: onions stewed with oil, rice, broth, then add meat and spices ...

take each piece of leaf and 1 tablespoon of filling we read, enter and run the inside edge ...

The bottom of the pot put a layer of cabbage leaves broken or too small, then cabbage cabbage in cercuri concentrice sau ca razele un strat de foi tocate si alt strat de sarmale. La final deasupra acoperim cu frunze de varza, adaugam mararul si cimbrul uscat, punem apa aproape cit sa le acoperim si pe foc mic cu capac fierbem cit mai multe ore. Dupa prima ora de fierbere putem muta vasul cu sarmale la cuptor unde se continua fierberea tot la foc mic, cu cit mai mult fierb cu atit sunt mai bune. Sau le coacem in cuptor de la inceput pina la sfirsit.


1 cabbage
700 grams ground meat mixed
1 onion
spices (salt, pepper, paprika, chopped parsley or dill)
100 g rice
dried dill and Savory

Any family have his own recipe and secrets and in any romanian region you can find anothe recipe and prepare tecnique. In Transilvania the stuffed cabbage rolls are big and in Moldova little. The filling may be differnt ( before the Chrismas or Easter filling with rice ). In Romania also may find stuffed rolls using grape leaves ( as the greek or turk recipe but filling with pork meat ) or Tilia's leaf or Rumex patientia leaves.

For Chrismas we use sauerkraut. Prepared in autumn.
I prepared 1 month before Christmas my own sauerkraut using a cabbage that I found, a savoy cabbage .
Add whole cabbage in salted boilling water for 5 -10 minutes ( depending how thick the leaves are. Once boiled take each leaf carefully. I put together 10 -12 leaves and I roll it together. Insert in a jar with dill and savory . Add the brine ( 1 liter watter with 1 tablespoon sea salt ) and add dill and savory again. Cover the jar with a plate. Let it until next day and check it, add another brine if need, make sure the cabbage is submerged in brine. Sauerkraut is usually ready to eat in 3-7 days if you keep the jar in kitchen, in a warm place or in 1 month if you keep it like me in a 17-18 °C degreas . When it is ready you can put the jar in a cold place.

prepare the filling : stew the onion in oil and add uncooked rice and the meat( half ground beef and half ground pork), tomato paste and spices.

Take a cabbage leaf and put on one tablespoon filling, roll it as in the photos.

In a deep pan at the bottom spread sauerkraut and Some cut leaves. Add one layer of rolls, sauerkraut and Another layer of rolls. Finish with a layer of sauerkraut and dill and savory. Add water, cover the rolls. Boil on stove top slow heat at aprox, 1 hour and then bake it (180 ° C or less) for 2-3 hours.

also read / Citeste si / Also Read: rolls of meat in vine leaves - Sarmale de foi in life (recipe Romania)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Gallstones Versus Labor

Merry Christmas! Craciun Fericit! Merry Christmas! Coste

Merry Christmas to you all, dear friends and readers about this blog!

To all my friends and readers of my blog i would like to wish Merry Christmas!

Craciun Fericit tuturor prietenilor, cititori ai acestui blog si familiilor lor !

PAULA SELING - Colindam, Colindam

Gheorghe Zamfir - Suita Colinde Nai - Orga

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Went To Open Lots Of Shops

breaded - Swiss Chard with Parmesan breadcrumbs - Snitele din Frunze de sfecla

la parte bianca delle coste di bietola
bread crumbs, Parmesan or grana

- Cut and wash the white part of the coast (beet)
- acgua the blanched in salted water for 5 minutes and then remove and let dry
- the coast for the past ' beaten egg and then in bread crumbs with grated parmesan or grana twice
- fridge in hot oil until the coast when they are golden, and remove from oil on paper to absorb oil

in Roman

* Beta este de soi a sfecla (Beta vulgaris), never exact Beta vulgaris Cyclaire-Chenopodioideae which unlike the other varieties (fodder beet, sugar or red) is not developed but the white root, stem / leaves foot.

white and fleshy leaf beet *

egg bread crumbs grated Parmesan

salt - cut and wash the white leaf beet (bietola)
- white cook the leaves in salted water about 5 minutes then remove and let it dry and cooled down to
- twice as many pass the white part of the leaves already scalded by egg and bread crumbs mixed with parmesan
- toaster in hot oil until golden then remove to paper towels to absorb

excess oil english

the white part of the swiss chard / mangold
bread crumbs

- Cut and wash the white part of the swiss chard
- Boil it in salted water for 5 minutes. Drain well.
- past twice the swiss chard to the beaten egg and then to bread crumbs mix with grated parmesan twice
- Fry in hot oil until golden brown, remove and drain off excess oil with paper towels

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Reduces The Effectiveness Of Yoghurt

cauliflower with mayonnaise - Conopida cu maioneza - Cauliflower with mayonnaise

ingredienti :


Lessate il cavolfiore ( o soltanto le inflorescenze) fino ad ammorbidirlo bene.
Peel the garlic and crush in a mortar with the salt, to form a smooth paste.
making mayonnaise at home or use one already ready. I've prepared this recipe
Break the cauliflower into pieces and add nice and simple mayonnaise seasoned with salt and crushed garlic (not too much garlic, just to give a little 'flavor of the mayonnaise).
If you like, add chopped fresh dill and cream of cauliflower with mayonnaise.
ammalgamare and left for almost 30 minutes in refrigerator before serving with slices of bread toasted or not.

Weekend Herbal Blogging
weekly collection of recipes with
herbs, flowers, fruit and vegetables.

With this recipe for the collection hosted this week 9 to 12 December 2010 by Cristina's eye All for a wonderful initiative of Bri Briggis recept och ideer to organize the Italian version WHB, WHB founded by Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen

The vegetable now is the Cauliflower / cauliflower / conopida

Cauliflower is a vegetable season not to miss on your table. It contains vitamins and antiossidanti, poche calorie(25 per 100 gr). E' ricco di minerali, acido folico, fibre, ferro, fosforo, calcio, potassio, magnesio, fosforo, vitamina C (allo stato fresco, ne contiene quanto le arance) e vitamina B9, necessaria alla moltiplicazione e al rinnovamento cellulare. Ha principi attivi antibatterici, antinfiammatori, antiossidanti, antiscorbuto, depurativi, rimineralizzanti e benefici per la rigenerazione dei tessuti. Indicato in casi di diabete perché non contiene glutine (è adatto anche ai celiachi) e secondo alcuni studi americani previene il cancro al colon e l’ ulcera e cura l’ anemia. E’ invece controindicato in caso di ipotiroidismo (contiene sostanze che rallentano il lavoro della tiroide).
Il cavolfiore si pulisce staccando le foglie esterne e le cimette dal torsolo e lavandole accuratamente sotto acqua corrente.
Se acquistato fresco si può consumare anche crudo (è anche più digeribile e salutare): conserva inalterate tutte le sue sostanze benefiche.




Bring water to a boil and add cauliflower, cook until florets are tender. Drain.
Prepare garlic cream . Put the cloves of garlic in a mortar with the salt and crush into they are a paste. You can also crush them in a press or mince very finely and then add Later the jump. Prepare the mayonese
or buy it. I used my home made mayonese. Break cauliflower into small pieces
and add mayonese, garlic cream, salt and dill if you like it. Let
it in the fridge for around 30 minutes Until serves it with bread slices (Toasted or Not).

in Romanian

cauliflower garlic mayonnaise

dill Boil cauliflower inflorescence or just until it is soft.
Prepare mayonnaise in the house, I did my old recipe of mayonnaise from a whole egg and you already know that I published here . Prepare garlic cream
: crushed dogs Curare garlic with salt until creamy.
cauliflower broken into small pieces Mix with mayonnaise, salt, garlic and chopped dill praospata, if you like. Let
cold even 30 minutes and then serve with slices of bread, even fried.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Detecting Kidney Stones In Women

WHB # 261 Bortolotti Pumpkin Risotto with fennel and bacon

Herbal Weekend Blogging
raccolta di ricette con settimanale
Erbe , thrills, Frutta e verdure.

Con questa ricetta partecipo the wonderful initiative to organize Bri of the Italian version WHB, WHB was founded by Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen while the current organization and Haali of Cook (almost) anything at least ounce

L ' now is the vegetable PUMPKIN I love cooking very much.

"The word pumpkin comes from" cocutia "(head), then transformed into" Cocuzza "," cozuccae "and, finally, pumpkin . It is native to Central America's oldest and seeds, found in Mexico date back to 7000-6000 BC In North America, the pumpkin was a food "Base" of the diet of the Indians and early settlers because they learned to cultivate it. Along with potatoes and tomatoes, was one of the first vegetables exported after the discovery of America.
The pumpkin belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae, very rich in variety, both in terms of the form, which for the color. The species best known are the Cucurbita maxima (pumpkin cake) and Cucurbita moschata (Peponi pumpkin pie or pumpkin), not to be confused with the Cucurbita pepo , species which belong to the common zucchini. In Cucurbita maxima the "fruit" is considered the pumpkin for excellence, has a voluminous shape and flattened on top, characterized by a thick green skin furrowed with longitudinal striations. It is usually large (can weigh up to 80 kg), while the Cucurbita maxima has a yellow-orange flesh mealy and sweet. Cucurbita moschata the other hand, has an elongated, cylindrical, a little 'bloated' end, is green / orange, medium in size and has a sweet and tender flesh. In Italy, most varieties of pumpkins grown are the Marina di Chioggia, widespread in the North and the Long of Naples. " by

Pumpkin fights free radicals and, thanks to the presence of fibers, help in regulation of intestinal functions , a good remedy to soothe the pain of skin inflammation is the pulp, crushed and pulped, and the well-washed skin can be applied on the wound surface of burns.

Bortolotti pumpkin and bacon

Tredozio A town in the Romagna Faenza above are called during the Valle del Tramazzo Bortolotti.
The Borthwick is a watercress cooked on a plate or frame, rectangular shape.
am a traditional rustic dish, a snack, a drink or lunch standing
After the version with the potato the Bartolaccio (bartlàz) I also wanted to try and make known to readers of my blog this recipe with pumpkin and bacon.

variant are fried ; Gussoni, they also a very ancient dish. The filling can 'be the same as watercress / Bortolotto / Bartolaccio / bartlàz but also the bitter herbs and cheese

Serves 4 150 grams baked pumpkin
1 shallot (or onion)
50 grams
bacon 1 clove garlic 2 tablespoons olive oil

- put the cooked pumpkin and puree in blender or immerssione robots, or passed through a sieve into a pan where information you have fried in olive oil the chopped shallots or onion chopped, a clove of garlic (I have added a whole and in the end I threw it) and the bacon cubes
- Cook a couple of minutes

note: I do not have it added onion, shallot it
note: instead of the bacon can add Parmesan cheese and nutmeg

for flatbread dough

150 grams flour 00 grams lard

30 100 cc water about

a pinch of salt 1 packet active dry yeast for bread *

"There are so many variations to make the flatbread and each zone has its own: that of Cesena is pastry is thinner than that of Rimini, while the Ravenna is thicker. Some people put the yeast, as dry as those in Forlì. The traditional base is the poorest who do not including yeast. An essential component is the lard instead: without it there as piadina loses elasticity and smoothness, becoming in essence a biscuit "
by: Italian cuisine

Prepare the dough like a flatbread:

- put in a bowl the flour and salt
- add the lard and knead
- Dissolve the yeast in water and add 1-2 tablespoons of the dough
- pour the rest of flush water (to taste) and mix
- you have to get a smooth ball that it does not stick to hands or the work plan, but remains elastic
- ìimpasto Divide into balls of measurement of tennis balls (With this amount are 4) and with a rolling pin to flatten each ball to a record high 2 mm otterene

* so is the original recipe (the site Italian cuisine), I have added only 1 / 2 tablespoon

Fill the disk in the middle of the pumpkin and pasta with bacon, close with the other half, crushed and cutting edges, giving a rectangular shape.

Cook on a hot plate.

in romana pentru 4 persoane

ingredient: 150 gr

Mieze de dovleac Coptic cuptor
1 HASM (Allium ascalonicum) numită și șalotă,eșalot sau ceapă franțuzească *
50 gr sunculita (bacon, piept ardelenesc)
1 catel de usturoi
2 linguri ulei de masline

* o puteti inlocui cu o ceapa mica

ingrdiente pentru aluat / piadina

150 gr faina OO
30 gr untura
100 ml apa ( circa)
un praf de sare
1 plic de drojdie uscata pentru piine

Exista multe variante pentru a prepara piadina si fiecare zona are reteta ei: la Cesena ,  Rimini  sau Ravenna poate fi mai subtire sau mai groasa . Unii adauga drojdie de bere proaspata sau uscata asa cum se face in zona Forli. Retetea de baza, cea traditionala But that is poor and not cintine yeast. An ingredient without which can not be achieved but piadina is fat, without which it loses elasticity and tenderness and becomes a piece of dough uscacios - after cucinaitaliana site

piadina Prepare dough:

- put flour in a bowl with salt
- add the lard and kneaded
- diluted yeast in a little water (1-2 tablespoons) and add dough
- slowly pour in oil in a rope as the water remaining mayonnaise always kneaded so much water how much is needed, you get a smooth dough that does not stick and neither hands nor table, elastic
- dough in bucati mici cit mingiile de tenis si apoi intinditi sub forma de disc cu o grosime de cca 2 mm fiecare mingie de aluat

Umpleti fiecare disc pe jumatate cu umplutura de dovleac si sunculita si indoiti ceallata parte de aluat peste , inchideti apasind cu degetele pe margini si taiati dind o forma dreptunghiulara pe cit posibil ( asa este tipic in aceasta zona )

Coaceti pe plita sau pe o tigaie groasa de caramida sau de fonta, fier foarte bine incalzita .


150 g oven-baked pumpkin
1 shallots (Allium ascalonicum), also called shallot, shallots or onion French *
50 g bacon
1 clove garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil

* You can substitute a small onion

ingrediente dough / piadina

150 gr flour OO
30 grams lard for pastries
100 ml water
1 envelope dry yeast for bread ( I used only half spoon)

- Put in a bowl the flour with salt
- Add the lard and kneaded
- Add yeast and some water (1-2 tablespoons) and knead
- Add enough water ( the rest of the water) for the dough to hold together, but not too much.
- Divide the dough into 4 small pieces. Flat it with the "mattarello" (well floured) reaching a very thin layer (2 mm), with a round shape.

Stuff each half disc with pumpkin and bacon, pressing with your fingers close around the edges and cut it giving a rectangular form, as much as possible (is typical in this area)

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also : Bartolaccio / bartlàz

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bowling Ball That Works With The Gamebreaker

- cu fenicul Risotto - Risotto with Fennel

per 2 persone

100-120 g di riso
1-2 finocchi (solo i cuori)
1 cuccchiaino cipolla tritata
100 g salsiccia di maiale
50 g burro
olio extravergine di oliva q.b.
Parmigiano Reggiano grattugiato q.b.
brodo di carne o vegetale q.b.

Mettete in una pentola per risotto metà a filo di olio e burro con Cipolla e fatela the appassire.
Aggiungete the salsiccia sbriciolata to forchetta e poi con il finocchio the listarele. Versed
Riso e il come il per a risotto Classical brodo. One Manteca
volta pronto il al dente risotto con il burro e il formaggio.

in Romanian

per 2 persone

1-2 100-120 g rice fennel (just the central core, and leaves no external) Lingra
1 chopped onion 100g
fresh pork sausage (only raw meat) 50 g butter

olive oil grated parmesan

meat or vegetable spa

Special Place in a saucepan risotto for half of the butter and some olive oil and steamed until onion becomes transparent and soft. * Add the sausage meat
that crushed the back of a fork or wooden spoon and then cut the fennel strips.
Add rice and stir until rice becomes slightly transparent and then add the hot broth, slowly as it is for any risotto (classic recipe).
When rice is cooked "al dente" Take the pan from the heat and add remaining butter and cheese / grated cheese. Aestecati and allow to rest a few minutes then serve.


1-2 100-120 g rice 1 teaspoon fennel

Chopped onion 100 g pork sausage
50 g butter
extra virgin olive oil
grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
vegetable or meat broth

Braise the onion in oil and a little butter ( half ).
Add the sausage crumbled with the fork and then add the fennel chopped. Allow the fennel to flavour, then pour in the rice and the stock/broth. Simmer until cooked, stirring.
Turn off the heat when the rice is still “al dente” and mix in butter and grated cheese to make it creamy.

Monday, November 15, 2010

What Men Wear A Tanga Brief?

Baked potatoes with poppy seeds - Crispy baked potatoes with crunchy poppyseeds-Cartofi Coptic cu seminte de mac

ingredienti :

farina di ceci
semi di papavero
sale, olio

- Tagliate le patate già sbucciate in nice and simple or large pieces according to your taste
- If you only want to cut the potatoes into halves or cubes or 4 large the need sbolentare from 2 to 5-6 minutes depending on the size of the pieces of potato. They should not be read just a little 'soft. If you want to cut the potatoes into pieces as mine are nice and simple without being ready sbolentate.
- Season the potatoes with no dry with a little oil and then in the chickpea flour amalgmata with poppy seeds (I paid the chickpea flour and seeds Pavero in a freezer bag of potatoes and I added in, slammed / turned the envelope in order to attack the flour over the potatoes and seeds).
- Place the potatoes already seasoned in a pan with parchment paper and bake at high heat in the oven Come per le gia caldo spotted the classic ricetta forno. Salads
alla fine. Sono buona a hot


in Romanian

ingredients: potatoes

chickpea flour, poppy seeds
salt, oil

- Cut the potatoes already peeled, or larger pieces small as you like.
- If you have decided to cut them into quarters or halves (and the potatoes are large) or quite large cubes then pour the potatoes into a pot tr boiling salted water and boil 2 to lasatii 5-6 minutes depending on how ares are smaller cubes to cook less and larger pieces more. There must flow but boiled potatoes numai putin mai moi decit daca asa cum sunt cruzi. Daca insa vreti sa faceti cuburi mici sau cum sunt ai mei in stil cartof prajit mai mare nu trebuie sa ii mai opariti.
- Condimentati cartofii cu putin ulei apoi ii amestecati cu faina de naut deja amestecata cu semintele de mac ( eu am pus faina de naut impreuna cu semintele de mac intr-o punga pentru congelator si am adaugt cartofii in ea, am strins punga la gura si am invirtit-o ptin, agitat-o cit sa se lipeasca faina si semintele de cartofi).
- Puneti cartofii care s-au acoperit cu o crusta fina de faina de naut si seminte de mac pe o tava cu hirtie de copt, introduceti la cuptor la foc mare in cuptorul deja incalzit exact cum ati proceda pentru reteta clasica de cartofi la cuptor .

Asugati sarea la sfirsit cind cartofii sunt gata.

Serviti calzi sau reci simpli ca o gustare sau ca o garnitura.



chickpea flour
poppy seeds
salt, oil

- Cut the peeled potatoes in pieces
- If you only want to cut the potatoes into halves or large cubes need to boil them from 2 to 5-6 minutes as the size of the potato pieces. Don't boil them to much. If you want to cut the potatoes into little pieces as mine they are ready to be baked without boil them.
- Season the potatoes with oil and then in a large resealable plastic bag combine the chickpea flour with poppy seed, add potatoes, seal bag and shake to coat.
- Place the potatoes in a baking dish with baking paper and bake at high heat in an allready preheated oven until potatoes are lightly browned and tender.
Add salt at the end.
Serve them hot or cold

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also : Crash hot potatoes

Blueprints For Ice Shanties

potato croquettes with tomato sauce - Chiftele pufoase cu sos de cartofi - Potato balls in tomato sauce and soft cheese

ingredienti :

3 patate grosse
1 uovo
50-100 gr formaggio grattugiato
sale, pepe, prezzemolo o altra erba aromatica tritata
polpa di pomodoro

- preparate una purea di patate alla quale add egg, salt, pepper and cheese
- formed the meatballs and place them in an oiled baking sheet, bake at high heat, most of your oven, preheated oven
- in a pan put grated onion, pepper very thin strips, olive oil, salt and chopped tomatoes, if you want you can add wine or water
- cook the sauce in the pan on the stove while the meatballs in the oven take a nice golden crust
- ready to pour the sauce into the pan around the meatballs, if you want to add parsley or rosemary or tarragon what you like and leave a couple minutes

served hot or cold

in Roman


3 large potatoes 1 egg

50-100 grcascaval shaved (Parmesan)
salt, pepper, parsley, tarragon, rosemary or other herbs or chopped tomato pulp

onion pepper oil

- prepare a simple mashed potatoes (boiled potato and then crushed with a fork, mash the tool shaved or grated), add egg, cheese, salt and pepper
- make balls of this mixture and place them in a greased with oil, leave them in the oven already heated and fioc big up your oven until golden
scab - in a pan put oil, onion race (How you like) ardeiukl pepper sliced \u200b\u200bvery thin, his pepper pulp rosiii and if you want or the sauce seems too thick add a little water or wine
- let it simmer on the fire until it falls and then pour chifttelele besides potato, add parsley, rosemary, whatever you even leave a few minutes (5 minutes maximum) in the oven ..

serve hot or cold

attention because these balls are very soft and smooth so they break easily when you remove the tray


3 large potatoes 1 egg 50-100 gr grated cheese salt, pepper, chopped parsley or other herb tomato pulp onion pepper bell oil
- Prepare a potatoes puree  add the egg, salt, pepper and cheese - Form balls and place them in an oiled baking sheet, bake at high heat,  preheated oven - In a pan put grated onion, bell pepper cut  in very thin strips, olive oil, salt and chopped tomatoes and cook it, if you want you can add wine or water - Cook the sauce in the pan on the stove while the potato balls  cook in the oven until become golden - Pour the sauce  around the potato balls, if you want  add parsley or rosemary or tarragon what you like and leave a couple minutes in the oven .
served hot or cold

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mario Salieri Streamibg

Pumpkin Lasagna - Lasagna dovleac si brinza stracchino - Lasagna pumpkin and stracchino cheese

sfoglia (pasta al uovo a modo mio) x 2 ( piatto unico) :

150 gr farina OO
1 uovo
sale, olio e acqua (1 cucchiaino)

ripieno :
300 gr stracchino
50 gr pancetta
1 cucchiaino cipolla grattugiata
50 gr scamorza affumicata
800 gr zucca
50 gr parmigiano grattugiato

1. taglio la zucca a fette e la inforno nel forno caldo fino quando la polpa diventa morbida e cremosa. Meanwhile, I skip the bacon cubes in a pan with the grated onion and finally add the cooked pumpkin and also removed from the peel with a spoon.
2. prepare the pastry, put the flour on a shelf, add salt and oil and egg, beat the eggs with a fork to incorporate the flour and mix until dough is soft and smooth. I let the dough rest in the film for half an hour. Divides it into small pieces and roll out the dough by hand or subtle way is more 'easy with the machine. I boil the water with a little oil and put it between two sheets of dough for a few seconds, and put them in a bowl with cold water and end on a clean cloth (and not washed with balm).
3. Lasagne: a little oil, alternating a layer of pasta stuffed with a spoonful of pumpkin topped with bacon and onion, soft cheese without spoonfuls of cheese and mix together diced smoked until all the ingredients.
4.l 'last layer a little olive oil and sprinkled with parmesan
5. Bake the lasagna at 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes or until better when you form a crust over

aluatul in romana asa cum l-am facut eu, pentru ca 2 ports servit fel unic:

150 gr faina OO
1 ou
Sare, you Ulei apa (1 lingura)

umplutura: 300 gr
Brinzio stracchino
50 g ham / Transylvanian breast / bacon / bacon 1 teaspoon onion
race scamorza
50 grams smoked (smoked cheese) 800 gr pumpkin

50 grams grated Parmesan

1. your pumpkin slices and put it in the oven, the oven is already hot and big temperautura until squash, creamy middle, fork come easily. Meanwhile calesc bacon in a skillet with onions and pumpkins will be ripe when finally removed it and peel it with a linura over ham and onion mixture in skillet.
2. sheet prepare dough: Place flour as a small volcano in the middle, I put a hole in the salt, oil, water and egg and beat thoroughly with a fork ever built on the edges until the flour to form a dough. Knead until it is soft and smooth but not very dry, should be slightly moist without sticking to the minimum payout, your hands are clean when we finish the kneaded. Anyway we'll add the flour when it lies with sucitorul like I did or if it is easier to machine. Il wrapped in plastic wrap and leave it to rest about 30 minutes. Then it split into pieces and each piece here and a stretch with sucitorul favorite pieces of tray or even how long because it can sit lower and more pieces to form a layer. It's important to be pretty thin paste. While you sit on a stretch each piece of cloth napkin reads a (clean and not washed with fabric softener). Put water to boil with salt and some olive oil and when the seething lasam focul cit mai mic apoi introducem in apa cite o bucata de aluat, o lasam citeva secunde apoi o scoatem si o punem intr-un castron cu apa rece , de aici o scoatem si o asezam pe servet de pinza .
3. pregatesc lasagna : pe fundul tavii pun "un fir" de ulei un filo di olio, aternez un strat de aluat oparit cu un strat de umplutura asezata cu lingura fara sa le amestec intre ele cii colo cite o lingura de dovleac cu sunculita si ceapa si cite o lingura de brinza iar printre ele cuburi de cascaval afumat pina cind se vor termina ingredientele .
4. Ultimul strat este de putin ulei si parmezan ras
5. Punem la cuptor la 180°C pentru 15-20 minute sau mai bine zis pina cind se formeaza o crusta deasupra

pasta (pasta with egg - my way) x 2 :

150 gr flour OO
1 egg
salt, oil and water (1 teaspoon)

300 gr stracchino cheese
50 g bacon
1 teaspoon grated onion
50 g smoked cheese ( scamorza affumicata)
800 g pumpkin
50 g grated Parmesan cheese

1. Cut the pumpkin into slices and bake in preheated oven until whenthe pulp becomes soft and creamy. Meanwhile, I cook for few minutes the bacon cubes in a pan with the grated onion and finally add the cooked pumpkin ( removed from the peel with a spoon).
2. prepare the pastry, put the flour on a shelf, add salt, oil and egg, beat the eggs with a fork to incorporate the flour and mix until dough is soft and smooth. I let the dough rest in the film for half an hour. Divides it into small pieces and roll out the dough by hand or with the pasta machine. The sheet should be almost transparent because the pasta will almost double in thickness while cooking . Boil the water with a little oil and salt and put it the sheets for a few seconds take it ou and put in a cold watter bowl and at the end on a clean cloth ( not washed with the conditioner).
3. Prepare Lasagne: pour into the baking dish oil (1-2 spoon) and put down a layer of pasta alternate with the filling : some spoons pumpkin topped with bacon and onion, some spoons starcchino cheese , don't mix together and diced smoked cheese (scamorza) .
4. Cover the last layer of pasta with olive oil and sprinkled with parmesan
5. Bake the lasagna at 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes or until crisp outside .

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also :
Lasagna con patate e pesto - Lasagna cu cartofi si sos cu busuioc

Lasagna gialla :patate, verza e brie - Lasagna galbena : cartofi, varza si brie

Lo Scrigno di Venere ( L'orgolio di Bologna ) - Scrinul lui Venus

Friday, November 5, 2010

Chest Infection During Pregnancy 33 Weeks

Cavolini di Bruxelles in salamoia - Verze de Bruxelles murate - Brine fermented brussel sprouts

Ingredienti :
cavoletti di Bruxelles
salamoia: 30 g di sale per ogni litro d'acqua
condimenti: peppercorns, bay leaf, savory, dill,

because it was a little 'space in baratollo I added some cauliflower inflorescences, were well washers carrots.

Procedure: sprouts, wash well and dry. Are arranged in a glass container, plastic washed and sterilized in an oven and gas (if it is glass).
They put in as spices and condiments that we prefer.
Prepare the brine by placing in boiling water in a saucepan and add salt when boiling.
the brine is added and allowed to cool down after it is placed on a tin plate with a weight on top (all temperature ambiente). Dopo qualche giorno se l'acqua diventa torbida si travasa tutto un paio di volte dala baratollo in un altro vaso e di nuovo nel baratollo, altrimenti no.
Se il livello della salamoia si abbassa troppo, perche fermenta e fuoriesce si deve aggiungere altra salamoia. Io ho preparato un po' di salamoia in piu' che tenevo in baratollo chiusso lìho usata per ripristinare il livello della salamoia intorno ai covolini. Ogni tanto girate le verdure che dopo alcune settimane saranno pronte e si conserveranno fino a Pasqua. Una volta pronte potete chiudere ermeticamente il barattolo e conservarle in cantina o in un altro posto fresco. Il mio baratollo è adesso sul terazzo e se non arriva il grande gelo sta bene fino a Natale quando le voglio mangiare.
puo 'come contorno service (mow of a natural con filo d'olio a) vicino a bistecca di Maya a piatto di Fagioli con a Secchi in umido. At salamoia insaporita and Aggiungi puoì (poi facendo attenzione of his) minestra Nelle, a typical minestra è quella di con polpette them meat (meatball soup ) in Romanian

Ingredients: Brussels sprouts

brine: 30 g of salt per liter of water
spices: pepper berries. bay leaf, thyme (branch) dill seeds (but who has put strain with all the flowers and dry seeds) May

for my place in the jar while remaining very Esra I also added a few tiny flowers of cauliflower, and I could put some sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots.

How it works: wash thoroughly clean cabbages and if there are yellow leaves first, attention as these little cabbages are full of sand. Washed and sterilized glass jar or plastic.
cabbages sit in a jar and adding spices. Preparing
saramiura, Boiling water boils when we add salt, then leave more to a boil how to opeasca little salt. We leave to cool and then flows into the jar over cabbages. I put a few sprigs of thyme over the cabbages to keep immersed in water. Cover plates and put a jar with something heavy that will not slip over her plate. We leave the jar in the kitchen at room temperature camerei. Duopa citeva zile daca cumva zeama se tulbura si face un fel de mizga pe fundul borcanului e bine sa vinturati putin zeama din borcan intr-un alt vas si ianpoi , dar numai daca se intimpla asa ceva. Daca nivelul saramurii din borcn scade, fermenteaza si iese pe sub farfurioara deci e bine sa puneti borcanul pe o tava sau alta farfurie, adaugati saramura ( apa fiarta cu sare) . Eu am fiert mai multa apa decit era necesara si am pastrat saramura ramasa in plus intr-un borcan cu capac tans, din el adaugam de cite ori era nevoie.
Dupa citeva zile sau cind nu mai fermenteaza , cind verzee sunt aproape murate inchideti borcanul cu capac si il puneti la rece in camara , al meu este acum in balcon si daca nu vine vreun ger teribil o sastea acolo pina la Craciun when I put the evil thought.

can serve as a garnish or salad or such a line of oil on top, whole or cut as a slaat cabbage, pickles mixed with other near a roast pork or beans. Soup is good added to soup, especially the meatball soup


Ingredients: Brussels Sprouts

Brin: 30 g of salt per 4 l water
spices: pepper, bay leaf, savory, dill

Also I added cauliflower inflorescences Some

How to prepare: Wash well and dry the
Sprouts. Arranged it in a glass or plastic container Washed and sterilized. Put in spices
that you prefer.
Prepare the brine : boiling water with salt .
Let the brine cool and pour over the sprouts. Cover the glas container with a little plate and let it for few days in the kitchen . If the brine began too cloudy is better to pour it only the brine in another recipient and pour again in the glass recipient over the sprouts, make this few times( a couple of days). The brine become transparent again, if not prepare another brine, wash the sprouts and add the new brine .
If the level of the brine is lowered, because it ferments and comes out from the recipient add more brine. I have prepared a little bit more and I kept in another glass jar , pour it over the sprouts and restore the level. after one to four weeks (depending on the temperature), the pickles will be fully sour.
Once almost ready you can close the jar tightly and store in the basement cellar, fridge or other cool place to slow down fermentation. Mine is on the terase and if the winter don't come soon can stay there until Christmas.

You can eat it as a side dish/ salade ( plain or with oil) near a pork chop or a bowl of dried beans in sauce. May you also add the brine (making attention to salt) in soups ( romanian "ciorba" ), a typically soup could be the one with the meatballs ciorba de perisoare

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also :

Fette di anguria in salamoia - Pepene in sarumura - Pickled watermelon ( salted brine)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Seagate Bad Sector Remover

Cornulete ( cu untura ) - Cornulete (ricetta romena) con struttto - Romanian pastries (sweet rolls ) with lard for pastries)

100 gr strutto
230 g farina OO
1 bustina lievito per dolci o mezzo cucchiaino scarso di bicarbonato di sodio
1 cucchiaio aceto di vino bianco o di mele
4-5 cucchiai di acqua ( io soltanto 4, dipende della farina )

per servire
75 gr zucchero in polvere vanigliato
ripieno a scelta

marmellata di amarene con gherigli di noci macinate
gherigli di noci macinate con uvetta

si ottengono 30

pieces - mix the lard and baking powder and vinegar and 3 tablespoons water (if you still need a better add it after the meal to avoid mistakes)
- add the flour and if you still need 1-2 tablespoons of water, 'dough should be firm
- Divide the dough in two, roll out the dough and lay a rectangular part of the filling as a swivel to 2 cm from the edge of the dough. Roll up to exit the stuffing in dough, braying in the length and then cut the roll into small Rottoli size (2-3 cm). Repeat until you're done when the dough and filling. I fate half roll small and mid-high triangular coils (like small croissants)
- Sulla infornate Tegla infarinata (spolverata soltanto di farina) della book gives a con forno a 180 ° C per minute, a 30 Massimo il vostro forno secondo, sono quando sono gia pronti Dorat
- Versatel Tegla dalla mow the hot Nello Zucchero velo vanigliato

in Romanian

I made half recipe serving Joan

filled as follows:
1. the coils filled with a mixture of cherry jam from trade and therefore quite soft ground nutmeg in a bronze nut, so finely
2. cornuletele filled with walnuts in the nut inherited from beaten and mixed with raisins


100 g lard for pastry
230 g OO flour
1 teaspoon baking powder or half teaspoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar or apple vinegar
4-5 tablespoons water ( depending the flour)

to serve

75 grams vanilla icing sugar

filling of your choice:
black cherry jam with walnuts minced
minced walnuts with raisins

you get 30 pieces

- Mix the lard, baking powder and vinegar and 3 tablespoons water (if you still need another better add it after the flour )
- Add flour if needed and the others 1-2 tablespoons of water, the dough should be firm
- Divide the dough in two, roll out the dough and lay a rectangular part, add filling at 2 cm from the edge of the dough. Roll up and cut the dough to the leght. Then cut it this roll in small pieces ( 2-3 cm ). Repeat until finish the dough and the filling. I made also little traingles, fill with wallnuts+raisin and roll up

- Bake on floured baking pan (only sprinkling flour) or paper baking cover at 180 ° C for 30 minutes or less according to your oven, when they are golden means are ready

- Pour the cornulete warm, directly from the pan, in the vanilla icing sugar

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also : Cornulete - Romanian pstries (sweet rolls)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Watch Los Hombres De Paco Online

Pasta con zucca e barbabietola rossa - Pasta with pumpkin and beetroot - Paste cu dovleac si sfecla rosie

ingredients: pasta

cubes of pumpkin butter sage

cooked beetroot 2 tablespoons chopped nuts 2 tablespoons Parmesan or grana
(Berth grated) 1 cup heavy cream

- Boil the pasta with the diced squash in salted water
- ammalgamare and grate the beets in a pan with the cream, chopped nuts and cream cheese until it becomes a
- Drain the pasta and season it with butter and sage
- pour the sauce on a plate with nuts and beetroot over la pasta zucca, burro e salvia aggiungendo un po' di noci macinate sopra

in romana

ingrediente :

pasta scurta
dovleac curaat de coaja si taiat cuburi ( cit intra intr-o farfurie adinca)
frunze de salvie

1 sfecla rosie deja coapta/fiarta si curatata de coaja
2 linguri de miez de nuca macinata
2 linguri parmezan sau alta brinza asemanatoare (rasa)
1 pahar de smintina ne-fermentata (pentru gatit)

- fierbeti pasta impreuna cu cuburile de dovleac, al dente, in apa sarata
- in acest timp radeti sfecla pe razatoare si o amestecati int-o tigaie cu smintina nefernmentata, nucile si brinza
race - drain the pasta and season with butter and sage (melted butter in a skillet, melt about 150 g pasta 100 grams of butter, add sage leaves and take praospete pan from heat, drain and pour pasta with pumpkin in a pan with butter and sage and they put on the fire for a few seconds to mix well)
- served in a saucer base coat beets with walnut sauce, cream cheese and spoon race over the place with pasta sprinkle with pumpkin and walnuts



cubed pumpkin paste

fresh sage butter

a cooked beetroot 2 tablespoons
chopped nuts
2 tablespoons Parmesan or Grana (grated cheese)
1 cup cream ( or less ..)

- Boil the pasta with the pumpkin cubes in salted water
- Grate the beets and add in a pan with cream, chopped nuts and gratted cheese, mix
- Drain the pasta and season it with butter and fresh sage ( melt butter in a sated pan and add fresh sage leaves, remove from heat aftre few second and pour the drain pasta and pumpkin cubes and return to heat for another seconds)
- Pour the beetroot sauce on a plate, the pasta pumpkin, butter and sage and sprinkle ground nuts

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also : Spaghetti, zucca e stracchino

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Is It Better To Wax Legs Before Or Fter Shower

Gnocchi all'acqua (senza patate / fara cartofi/ without potato)

Ingredienti per gli gnocchetti:
150 ml   acqua
150g  farina bianca “00” + una manciata di farina per la spianatoia
olio extravergine di oliva q.b.
sale q.b.

per il sugo :

passata di pomodoro
olio, sale, pepe
un spicchi d'aglio intero
alcune foglie di basilico

In una padella aggiungiamo un filo di olio extra vergine di oliva, e lo spicchio d'aglio, lo facciamo rosolare e poi lo togliamo. Aggiungiamo la passata grossa di pomodoro o i pelati schiacciati e facciamo insaporire tutto a fuocco basso. Un piccolo peperoncino if you like and salt and allow it to dry the excess water, add fresh basil at the end.

procedure for the filling: Boil the water with a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of oil. Add the flour all at once and, stirring constantly, cook until the mixture is detached from the walls (like the cream puffs). Allow to cool and then form the gnocchi.

Boil the gnocchi in boiling salted water and then drain into the pan. Mix the gnoccheti with the sauce and serve.

in romana pentru

Ingredient gnocchi:
150 ml apa
150 g faina faina de simplu "00" + a handful of flour sprinkled on how much oil is needed

salt For the sauce:

tomato juice or pulp of peeled canned roisi
oil, salt, pepper, whole garlic clove

basil leaves in a pan add one tablespoon of oil and a clove of garlic, flavored oil, leave it to siblings but to burn the garlic and throw apoiil. Add tomato puree or crushed tomatoes peeled and let it simmer gently until sauce thickens. Add salt, pepper and basil leaves at the end.

Boil water with a pinch of salt and oil droplets cietva. Add the flour all at once and pull the pot from heat stirring constantly until the mixture separates from the edges of the pot (the FAL as the eclair dough). We leave to cool and then shape gnocchi, roll the dough Grão how you cut your finger into pieces 1 cm, give them the form they want, I've twisted them to take this palm elongated.

Boil gnocchi in boiling salted water and take them with a slotted spoon when rising to the surface. He shed the sauce, mix and serve them.


Ingredients for dumplings:

150 ml water 150 g plain flour "00" + for the Pastry flour
extra virgin olive oil q.b.
salt q.b.

For the sauce:

tomato sauce
oil, salt, pepper
a whole garlic clove
some basil leaves

In a pan, add a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and a clove of garlic, let cook and then take off the garlic. Add the pureed tomato or peeled and crushed tomato and bring to the boil and simmer gently until thickened. Add salt, pepper and at least basil leaves .

for the dough: Boil the water with a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of oil. Add the flour all at once and remove from the stove, stirring constantly until the mixture is detaches from the borders of the pan. Allow to cool and then form the gnocchi.

Boil the gnocchi in boiling salted water and with a slotted spoon Removing Them When They rise to the surface. Mix Them with the sauce.

also read / Citeste si / Also Read:
Gnocchi alla Sorrentina
for this recipe pour tomato sauce over the gnocchi and diced mozzarella and Parmesan Bake in the oven Already heated at 220 ° C.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Shirt And Tie To Wear With A Grey Suit

Fegatini di pollo con piselli e menta - Chicken livers with peas and mint - Ficatei de pui cu mazare si menta

Ingredients 240 g peas 400 g chicken livers

frying oil
50-100 g of diced bacon or speck from Alto Adige

thyme, finely chopped 1 clove 'garlic, whole or chopped finely 1

tablespoon of vinegar 8 tablespoons chicken broth or vegetable broth 1 teaspoon mustard

1 tablespoon cold butter into small cubes (50 g)
a handful of mint leaves

- Boil the peas for 2 minutes, then drain and place by if you use fresh peas. Or open, drain, wash again and drain a can of peas.
- Wash and clean chicken livers.
- Heat the pan over medium-high and fry the pancetta or bacon for 3-4 minutes. Addiungete a po'd'olio and chicken livers and season with thyme or savory, black pepper, fry until well when they are colored on one side and turn figatini the other side and add the garlic. Cook for a few seconds, poi saltate la padella e mescolate tutto, a questo momento salate. Versate l'aceto per deglassare il tegame e cuocete fino a quando è quasi evaporato tutto.
- Aggiungete i piselli * e il brodo. Cuocete fino quando il liquido è ridotto a metà.
* Se usate i piselli giò pronti/coti versatelli nel liquido quando è già ridotto a metà.

- Aggiungete la senape e il burro freddo a cubetti e mescoalte fino quando si forma una salsa.
- Aggiungete la menta e srevite.

in romana

240 gr mazăre
400 gr ficatei de pui
50-100 gr cuburi de bacon, piept ardelenesc sau speck de Alto Adige
cimbru tocat
1 catel de usturoi, întreg sau tocat/strivit
1 lingura otet
8 linguri de suopa de pui sau de supa de legume
1 lingurita muştar
1 lingura de unt rece taiat cuburi(50 gr)
Un pumn de frunze de menta

- Se fierbe mazărea timp de 2 minute, apoi se scurge si se pune deoparte. Sau puteti utiliza mazare de la conserva deci sariti peste aceasta operatiune.
- Spalam si curatam ficatul de pui
- Incalzim intr-o tigaie la foc mediu-mare baconul sau pieptul ardelenesc , speckul sau cae am hotarit sa folosim, timp de 3-4 minute sau până când începe să isi schimbe culoarea si mai ales sa piarda din grasime . Adaugam putin ulei si ficatul de pui şi condimentam with thyme and black pepper. Fry until it's slightly better color on one side, then back livers and add garlic, leave a few seconds to catch the taste of garlic and add salt. Pour vinegar and let it be deglaseze little sauce on bottom of pan.
- * Add peas and broth. Simmer until the liquid has reduced by half.
* If using canned peas already cooked after I varzsat add a soup and after the liquid has already fallen by half.

- Add mustard and cold butter (diced) and stir until sauce is formed when the skillet.
- Add mint leaves and serve.

240 g peas
400 g chicken livers
oil for frying
50-100 g cubes smoked bacon or Alto Adige speck
thyme finely chopped
1 cloves garlic,entire or finely chopped
1 tbsp vinegar
8 tbsp chicken o vegetable stock
1 tsp ( dijon ) mustard
1 tbsp butter (50 gr)
1 small handful mint leaves

- Boil the peas for 2 minutes, then drain and set aside. Or use allready bolied peas (canning peas)
- Trim the chicken livers.
- Heat a pan over a medium-high heat and fry the bacon or the speck for 3-4 minutes, or until beginning to colour.Add a little bit of oil and the chicken livers and season with thyme, ground black pepper, fry until well coloured on one side and flip the livers over, add the garlic and cook for a few seconds, then shake the pan and toss everything around a little.Add salt and pour about the vinegar to deglaze the pan and cook until it has almost evaporated.
- Add the peas* and the stock. Cook until the liquid has reduced down by half.
* if use the peas allready cooked add them when the liquid has reduce down by half.

- Add the mustard and the cold cubed butter and swirl the pan around until a glossy thickened sauce has formed.
- Add mint.

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also :

Patè di fegatini in gelatina di birra con panini scozzesi dipinti - Pate de cannot jelly drink cu de piinici scotiene picta -
Chicken liver pate with painted Scottish morning rolls

Role of liver pate - Rulada pateu de cannot de

Rolled crepes stuffed with liver pate - cling umplute pateu de cu cannot - My mother recipe: crepes with chicken liver pate

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Omeprazole How Long Does It Take To Work

Polenta e zucca con burro e salvia - Mamaliga cu dovleac in unt si salvie - Polenta and pumpkin with butter sage

leftover polenta pumpkin diced into cubes

salt, butter, sage and Parmigiano
nutmeg (optional)

boil or bake the pumpkin, cut into cubes (peeled and washed)
in a frying pan melt the butter Minuto e qualche rosolate Foglia di salvia them, they cubetti di Zucca aggiungete the polenta is farle bob qualche secondo.

volendo aggiungete a musky pizzico di noce e Parmigiano grattugiato

in Romanian polenta

cold diced pumpkin

diced salt, butter, sage and parmesan
nutmeg (optional) cook in

salt water or steam or bake the pumpkin cubes in hot oven (obviously after you have cleaned pumpkin shell and you wash it), I cooked pumpkin cubes in water with salt in a pan

melt Fire little butter when you put a few fresh sage leaves, pumpkin cubes adaugatu (drained if you boil them in water) and cold polenta cubes, mix with wooden spoon or moves the pan a few seconds, not too much and not Fire too much because you should not fry them

if you can add a pinch / knife tip and grated nutmeg


polenta (leftover) cut into small pumpkin
Cubes Cubes
jump , butter, sage and Parmesan cheese
Nutmeg (optional) Cut pumpkin into Cubes

aftre peeled and you wash it or bake it and Boila

Melt butter in a large the frying pan until foaming throw in the sage and heat for a few seconds, add pumpkin and polenta cubes.

Add nutmeg and some grated parmesan cheese if liked.