Monday, January 17, 2011

Raedon 9000 Agp (0x5962) Driver

back with fury .. or with a nice ice cream!

Unfortunately for a variety of reasons, apart from some small update, we were a bit 'absent during this period. We note with pleasure that
but stay tuned and we hope you do not forget us!
soon because we will return with new recipe and, hopefully, first with a nice ice cream!
Do not reveal anything yet, will be a surprise for us XD kisses

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Four Roses Bourbon Vegan

language - Praja Sardines "a language" - Fried Sardines "a language"


Sardinian white wine vinegar

flour extra virgin olive oil salt

- we clean the scales of sardines, cut his head open and sardines along the belly to the tail, the we clean and remove the bones and spine (if the sardines are small by breaking their heads come off even with the pin bones), wash the fish
- pour the white wine vinegar (not to drown the fish) and leave for
30 minutes - the dry, flour them and fry in hot oil for a few minutes on each side

in Roman

fileuri sardines (descfacute as a book, and keep the tail) white wine vinegar

flour olive oil salt

- sardines and wash their stances Discharged scales, biting their head and belly split them up in line, they guts out, carefully loosen slim bones of the spine together with fish meat in such a way as to result boneless sardines and open like a book when we get near the cut stem keeping the spine and tail,
- wash them, and they uscam put in a dish, pour otetpeste them (without them drowned in vinegar), let them at least 30 minutes
- uscam them out and then get them in flour and fry them in hot oil
- Saramati them to end


filleted sardine,
white vine vinegar, flour
extra virgin olive oil, salt

- wash and dry up the sardine
- Put Them in a bowl and cover with vinegar and soak for 30 min.
- dry on paper towels
Them - flour and fry it in hot oil
- salt only at the end

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Driver Logitech Quickcam E3000

WHB # 265 scoop of polenta and cabbage - dumpling de mamaliga is Varzi - Polenta dumplings and cabbage head is

200 g ready-made polenta (cooked) 200 gr cabbage

salt, oil, pepper
cheese (smoked cheese)

Chop the cabbage and toss in a paddle with oil and salt. When it becomes soft, add pepper e versatela nella polenta e mescoliamo. Con 2 cucchiai si da la forma alle quenelle . Le mettiamo in una pirofila, aggiungiamo il formaggio a picoli cubetti o grattugiato e inforniamo solo fino quando il formagio si scioglie.

WHB #265

e links:

in romana

200 g mamaliga
200 g varză
salt, oil, pepper cheese, smoked

Chop cabbage and mix in a pan with oil and salt, allow it to quell a small fire and covered with a lid, stirring often, until the inmaoie. Aadaugăm pepper and a shed ready cooked polenta in bowl and slightly cooled, mix. With the help of two linguridam quenelle typical form but can be prepared and the hand. Èunem them in a pan and add the cheese over them shaved or cut cubulete.Lasam tray in the oven just until cheese softens.


200 g ready-made polenta (cooked) 200 g cabbage

jump, oil, pepper smoked cheese

Chop the cabbage and toss in a pan with oil and salt. When it becomes soft, add pepper and pour in the polenta and stir. With 2 spoons form the quenelles. Put them in a pan, add the cheese grated or cut into little cubes and bake until the cheese melts.

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also : Quenelle di polenta e cicoria - Quenelle de mamaliga si cicoare - Polenta and chicory quenelle

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Orlando Cruise And Stay Blogs

Glasses chocolate!

Happy New Year!
Finally we come back ... it was really long time since I posted a recipe, but I would say that this time we did it! To celebrate the old year that has gone, "a toast" with these little glasses filled with chocolate!
Here's the recipe:

Ingredients (for about ten cups):

40 ml Caffe'moka restricted
about 200 grams dark chocolate 2 tablespoons Baileys

100 ml of fresh cream cake
50 gr sugar 1 egg

cream Preparation:

Beat the egg with sugar for about ten minutes, helping with the food processor. Whip the cream and stir the mixture obtained above, stir gently and add the coffee e 2 cucchiai di liquore Baileys. Continuate a montare. Versate il contenuto in una ciotola, ricoprite con pellicola trasparente e riponete in freezer per circa 6 ore.

Preparazione bicchierini:

Spezzettare il cioccolato fondente e fatelo sciogliere in un pentolino a bagnomaria, avendo cura di mescolare fino a completa fusione.
Versate il cioccolato in bicchierini di plastica (quelli piccoli da caffè), facendoli ruotare di modo che il cioccolato vada a rivestire le pareti del bicchiere. Mettete i bicchierini capovolti in freezer per qualche tempo e ripetete 2 o 3 volte l'operazione, affinché il tutto acquisti un certo spessore.

Al momento di servire riempite i bicchierini prepared and stuffed with cream as desired with whipped cream, a few coffee beans and grated dark chocolate!