Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do Babies With Autism Cry A Lot

PAPPARDELLE with squid ink with a ragout of SEPIA


Semola: 300 grammi
Seppie: due circa 500 grammi
Pomodorini: una diecina
Salsa di pomodoro: un bicchiere
Scalogno: uno
Aglio: uno spicchio
Peperoncino: a gusto
Vino bianco: un bicchiere
Prezzemolo tritato: a gusto
Olio evo: q.b.
Sale: q.b.


Clean the cuttlefish, carefully remove the bags of black and keep apart, spellarlle, coarsely chop the tentacles and cut the rest into strips.
Put oil in a large skillet, the shallots and garlic and then lightly colored, add the cuttlefish and fry gently for a while, put the red pepper and deglaze with the wine, once you add dried tomatoes, cut into four parts , to dry and put the tomato sauce, a couple of glasses of water and cook slowly for about an hour before serving add salt. In so doing pappardelle
putting the flour on a pastry board, make a classic fountain and pour in the cuttlefish did open the first in a glass con acqua, mettere un pizzico di sale e impastare, aggiungendo di tanto in tanto dell'acqua necessaria, una volta impastata bene fare riposare per circa trenta minuti.
Dividere la pasta in due pezzi e tirarla a mano con il mattarello ricavando una sfoglia non molto sottile e possibilmente quadrata, infarinare bene e arrotollarla su se stessa, prendere un coltello a lama larga e tagliarla ricavando delle strisce di circa cm. 1,5.
Cuocere le pappardelle in abbondante acqua salata, il tempo di cottura si aggira sotto i cinque minuti dal momento che riprende il bollore, scolarle e condire con il ragù e una spolverata di prezzemolo tritato.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mysore Mallige Investigation


Ingredients for two:

500 grams of tomatoes peeled rama: four beautiful big
Artichokes: four pieces
Pepper: to taste
Garlic: clove oil
Ages: four tablespoons dry white wine
half cup Salt: to taste Chopped parsley
: a spoon flour
: qb
peanut oil: qb
Bucatini: 300 grams


Wash the tomatoes and pass them in boiling water, peel and cut into chunks and set aside
Wash and clean squid and cut into julienne thin, put in a pan that can, oil, chopped garlic and private soul and pepper, to slightly color the garlic and put the squid, let them go for about five minutes, sfunare with wine and add tomatoes, cook slowly for about ten minutes. In both
clean the artichokes, cut into strips, passarlli in flour and fry a few minutes far before serving, add the squid, mix well, season with salt if needed and put a couple of tablespoons of pasta cooking water, cooking in salted water.
I seasoned the sauce with the pasta, I have basically taken a first and a second, serve the pasta with a sprinkling of chopped parsley.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mtg Card Maker For Mac



Minced beef: 300 grams bread crumbs
: 100 grams
Garlic: clove chopped parsley
: a
handful Pepper: to taste Grated Parmesan
: 100 grams
Eggs: two
to taste Salt: to taste
to taste peanut oil for frying: qb


smoked diced 100 grams chopped chili
: at the discretion

sauce ingredients: Shallots

: a
Saffron: two sachets
White wine: a glass
Broth: a liter
Farina, two tablespoons Oil
Ages: three tablespoons

to taste PREPARATION: Place in a container

meat, bread crumbs soaked in milk and squeezed, chopped parsley, parmesan, fresh ground pepper, eggs, 'finely chopped garlic and a pinch of salt, mix everything well.
Make the meatballs by putting on the flesh of the chili with chunks of smoked cheese, close by the balls, flour and fry in hot oil.
Prepare the sauce by placing in a pan, olive oil, chopped scallion, and then just color, add the flour to brown and pour the wine, just put it begins to thicken the broth, saffron, a pinch of salt and then boil, add meatballs and cook for about thirty minutes, or until the sauce reaches the density you prefer.
Season with salt and serve very hot, willing and fries or baked.