Thursday, May 28, 2009

How Do U Unblock Websense


Ricetta tipica di giorni festivi Peruviana e Colombiana, un insieme di sapori eccezionali, un tributio per il palato, il mio consiglio è di farla.


Un pollo fatto in otto parti
Succo di un'arancia
Salsa di soia: a spoon
Senapae sweet
two tablespoons cumin powder, two teaspoons oregano
teaspoon freshly ground pepper, a pinch
four cloves Onion: an average
Pepper: a pinch
four tablespoons white vinegar : a short
medium potatoes, eight pieces
Chicken soup made with the nut:
to taste Salt: to taste Oil
Ages: qb
Farina: a spoon if it were to serve


Strip cut, wash and dry the chicken , set aside.
Take the onion and garlic, cleaned, cut into small pieces and crushed in a mortar with a little salt, put it n im boul large, add all other ingredients, minus the salt, flour and oil, mix well and add the chicken to marinate for about three hours, turning occasionally.
Take the potatoes, peel them, wash them and record with a knife blade with hard, give it a shot in the wrist and breaking the potato into four or more parties, you should hear the noise it makes ..... hence the name craschhh SCARCHADA This allows that during firing, the part that was broken without starch, addensado so the sauce.
Take a large pot, place enough oil, heat it and brown the chicken on all sides, sometimes add a little marinade, once it is browned all over and poured the marinade, aggiungere le patate e coprire con il brodo caldo, coprire il tegame e fare cuochere a fuoco lento per circa un'ora, se a cottura ultimata la salsa dovesse essere liquida, aggiungere la farina stemperata in un poco d'acqua e fare addensare, io non l'ho usata.
Servire ben calda.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Can You Fix Up A 10' Jon Boat


Dopo la splendida avventura vissuta ad Amburgo nella cucina del The George Hotel, dedico questa mia ricetta a tutto lo staff nessuno escluso, son stati tutti magnificamente gentili e amichevoli.
Che dire di più se non....grazie!!!!
Mi auguro that is to your liking


goose breast: an abbot
Pera: a
Prunes: dried apricots three
apple cider vinegar, three tablespoons butter
: a walnut
Sugar: three tablespoons
Port: three quarters of wineglass
teaspoon Salt: to taste Pepper

to taste PREPARATION: Put

plums and apricots in a bowl with water and then blanch for a minute, peel the
pear, remove the core wood and cut in slices about an inch thick.
Place in a pan of apple vinegar, sugar, butter, when it melts add fruit, the pear just begins to color remove all the fruit and put it back in a serving dish.
Take the duck breast, clean it from any blood clots, which affect the fat part of the chest by a grid with salt and pepper and let brown in a skillet is already hot for ten minutes, giratlo and get it going again for five minutes, remove and keep warm. Remove
a little fat from browning, warm up and pour the port with the cornstarch dissolved in, to thicken slightly.
fillet the breast of goose, Serve and pour over the sauce.

One caveat, do not do is very good!