Thursday, July 23, 2009

Camila Rodrigues Filmes


Un piatto buono e completo indicato per le giornate calde.


Polpo eviscerato: 600 grammi
Patate lesse: due
Cipolla: una
Aceto bianco: quattro cucchiai
Succo di limone: quattro cucchiai
Peperoncino secco: a piacere


Lavare il polpo e metterllo in una pentola con l'aceto e il succo del limone, il peperoncino coprire e lasciare cuocere per circa venti minuti a fuoco lento, girarlo di tanto in tanto e controllare il liquido, se dovesse asciugarsi troppo aggiungere un paio di cucchiai d'acqua.
Una volto cotto, fare raffreddare e tagliare a pezzi secondo il vostro gusto.
Lessare le patate con la buccia, una volta cotte togliere la buccia e tagliarli a gusto, mettere tutti gli ingredienti in un boul aggiungere la cipolla tagliata a fette, condire con olio evo mescolare bene
e servire, volendo si possono aggiungere dei pezzi di pomodoro per insalata, ma meglio farlo the last moment, the heat can sour.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

5.1 Receiver Multiroom


sticks of candied ginger
whole apricots and tangerines in half

Making it so you can keep it for a whole year, putting the various pieces of greaseproof paper.


Water: qs
Sugar: to taste


The procedure for the pieces of a certain thickness results in sixteen days of treatment, but it's worth it when you consider how much it costs in natal periods, sometimes in Madrid I've found up to 60 euro per kilo, pieces such as pumpkin, pear, apricots, kiwi, pineapple etc.. small fruit can be left whole, the larger you can go halves or slices, in the case of fruit with skin duretta such as prunes, apricots, etc.. drill holes with a fork.
Choose ripe fruit and integrated, wash well and blanch it for a few minutes, if you were to overcook the result would be to get a fruit tasteless and hard to abbasttanza final metterlla in a large bowl taking care not to the fruits of a superimposition other to avoid squeezing.
Prepare various fruits separately.
For 500 grams of raw fruit to prepare a syrup of sugar and 200 grams of 400ml. water, prepare the syrup by boiling sugar and melt, once melted pour over the fruit, the fruit must remain completely covered, should be little, add more syrup respecting the doses listed.
Let stand 24 hours, remove the fruit from the syrup add 60 grams of sugar, bring to the boiling and pour over the fruit, this operation will be done for a week, from the eighth day, add syrup and 80 grams of sugar and proceed as first, rest 48 hours, the tenth day add another 80 grams of sugar continue as before, wishing you can now add a couple tablespoons of rose water, leave for four days. Remove the fruit from
syrup and let it dry on a grill pan or a alrto put on it and keeping it covered, making sure that does not rest on cloth or other fruit for a couple of days.
When dry, store it as described above.

candied ginger: Take

of fresh ginger, if it is antiquated is very woody, peeled and cut into cubes as you like or strips.
Place in a saucepan of water to boiling and cook the ginger for about 40 minutes, must be transparent to the end
strisciline ginger diced or cut in half the time, always following the directions given
due to the thickness of the same .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Outdoor Play Forts, Mi


Accession Right of appeal against the Network DDL alfano gags that the Italian Internet

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Catchy Party Invitation Phrases

Saturday with Patrick

Ricci natural eaten with good bread of Altamura

Saturday I had lunch with my niece (God help us if I'm not saying it is) with her husband and my little treasure of a baby girl Arianna three years so sweet to eat it The crime made me excited when he called me aside you did take her up and whispers in my ear
uncle I love you very very well and gave me a kiss.

Mussels marinated with a hairy ring raw mussels served with lemon juice
toast pastry stuffed with monkfish, fresh shrimp, mussels ecoperto with the béchamel and baked
The legendary Tiella Baresa riso patate e cozze

Filetto di manzo cafe de paris , Pat prese la decisione di lavare un piatto in meno

L'albicocca candita fu molto gradita dal mio piccolo amore

Banana split e frutta candita

Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Boat Floor Thickness

Dolcetti ... no flour no sugar and XD

haha \u200b\u200bno I'm not proposing a fantastic recipe for Super cookies Diet and tasty (maybe -.-) but since we have not done anything for several reasons that have been added to the hot oven, I thought to post our own creation a bit 'special .. what is it? of cernit!
For the uninitiated, the cernit is a modeling clay-like pose, which when fired will harden and can be used in various ways.
We usually do we get earrings or pendants, even for the phone, because I am more bellini * _ * but this time we also got a pair of tweezers of wood to use as a gift tag on which to paste a little bit * ç *
in fact we've made a few months ago but only the week of freschino we decided to cook: P
Now I have to repaint (paint factory in right because they gave me the vernidas type that is sticky and never dry, so I had to use acetone to remove it with a bad result, unfortunately, and now they are damaged I will rivernciarli -.- Okay, but I liked the same, we hope ke Let them come good this time : l)

Here they are!

without neither the hugs and cents, because when I started doing this I realized that they were too mignon, Okay, and then have come good but we will derive much ahaah but I will just refer back one thousand other! : D Eh

Friday, July 3, 2009

Milena Velba - Bikes & Bras (dvd)

Hot Kitchen VS = losing battle ç_ç

is actually a bit 'not baked a recipe: (
unfortunately chilly days are over, and con loro anche la minima voglia di aprire il forno per farne uscire qualcosa di squisito.
Per altro continuo a girare tra mille blog e sto segnando un sacco di ricette stupende e golosissime, che però al momento mi fan venire solo una gran fame e non voglia di applicarmi, difatti ogni volta che ne guardo una mi rivolto alla sorella così "Dopo l'estate la facciamo!".
E' un po' una sofferenza il mio giro di blog ormai XD
però devo dire che come al solito son sempre contenta di aver scoperto questa rete di blog fantastici, pieni di persone semplici e capaci di incantare attraverso squisitezze e foto stupende :)
Quindi va bè vi chiedo scusa se fin da ora se non doveste trovare il blog sempre super aggiornato, ma ahimè the heat exhausting to me personally and my sister now that she found a job is almost never a peak and much less hanging in the kitchen, so bear with me, maybe we'll make at the weekend! XD
a kiss!