Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pokemon World Online System Req

Gnocchi with duck sauce with a ragout of

One of the many preparations made in Hamburg at The George Hotel

We come to the recipe:

Gnocchi with duck sauce

Ingredients for the sauce:

Duck: I used three, but this depends on the amount
Liver ' duck
Oil Ages: Carrots taste
Onions: a nice big
Celery, a couple of ribs
garlic, two cloves crushed soul and private
Dry white wine, two glasses
chopped parsley, a bunch

Pepper Tomato Sauce :
pint canned tomatoes: a tube
salt brought from home: a handful

Preparation: Cut into pieces

ducks, flame to remove loose feathers, wash and keep aside. Take
wash and clean vegetables, make a chopped, put them in a pan or pot with hot oil and fry gently for a few minutes, add the garlic is good to last in quando tende a bruciare e la carne, fare rosolare bene, sfumare con il vino, appena evaporato mettere la conserva, amalgamare per quache minuto e aggiungere la salsa di pomodoro, il pepe, coprire con abbondante acqua e fare cuocere per circa tre ore, la carne si deve essere stracotta, prendere il fegato tagliarlo grossolanamente e rololarlo con solo dell'olio, una volta rosolato frullarlo con il prezzemolo e il sale grosso, aggiungendo un poco di liquido di cottura, versarlo nel tegame, questa operazione da un sapore molto più intenso al preparato.
Una volta cotto e raffreddato, prendere i singoli pezzi e spappolarli, questa operazione si fa con le mani e con pazienza, (alcuni usano farlo con la sola polpa, ma il sapore dato dalle ossa rosolate and quite another thing to compare)
put the strands of meat aside and when finished, pour the sauce, put everything back in pan and cook to make sure that the sauce is very concentrated, salt, please put salt in the end, if you put the first consuming the liquid is then salted and voila

For the gnocchi

Boiled potatoes: kilo semolina
: a kilo

a pinch salt Cook the potatoes the day before if possible with the skin so use them when they lost water, pass the salt and mix with the flour by putting a little at a time, once mixed to good to sit for thirty minutes.
Cut pieces of dough and proceed by a kind of bread sticks, if you want you can also thicker, cut to the desired size.
Pour into a pan of salted boiling water, just come to the surface matter of a couple of bear them off and put them in the sauce mix well and stir in the grated Parmesan. The Renzo
preferred them in hand to hand as they were served in portions to avoid going out of cooking.