Saturday, January 1, 2011

Orlando Cruise And Stay Blogs

Glasses chocolate!

Happy New Year!
Finally we come back ... it was really long time since I posted a recipe, but I would say that this time we did it! To celebrate the old year that has gone, "a toast" with these little glasses filled with chocolate!
Here's the recipe:

Ingredients (for about ten cups):

40 ml Caffe'moka restricted
about 200 grams dark chocolate 2 tablespoons Baileys

100 ml of fresh cream cake
50 gr sugar 1 egg

cream Preparation:

Beat the egg with sugar for about ten minutes, helping with the food processor. Whip the cream and stir the mixture obtained above, stir gently and add the coffee e 2 cucchiai di liquore Baileys. Continuate a montare. Versate il contenuto in una ciotola, ricoprite con pellicola trasparente e riponete in freezer per circa 6 ore.

Preparazione bicchierini:

Spezzettare il cioccolato fondente e fatelo sciogliere in un pentolino a bagnomaria, avendo cura di mescolare fino a completa fusione.
Versate il cioccolato in bicchierini di plastica (quelli piccoli da caffè), facendoli ruotare di modo che il cioccolato vada a rivestire le pareti del bicchiere. Mettete i bicchierini capovolti in freezer per qualche tempo e ripetete 2 o 3 volte l'operazione, affinché il tutto acquisti un certo spessore.

Al momento di servire riempite i bicchierini prepared and stuffed with cream as desired with whipped cream, a few coffee beans and grated dark chocolate!


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