Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Fixed Rate Isa December 2009

Baigli cu mac - Baigli with nuts and poppy seeds - Baigli

over : with bnuts filling  / sopra con le noci / deasupra cu nuci
under : with poppyseeds filling / sotto con il ripieno di semi di papavero /  cea de jos cu umplutura de mac

ingredienti per 2 baigli uno gherigli di noci e l'altro con semi di papavero:

450 gr di farina OO
100 g di burro
1 / 2 pacchetto di lievito secco (o 10 grammi di lievito di birra fresco) 1 cucchiaino sciolto con il latte caldo e 1 cucchiaino di zucchero o miele **
2 cucchiai di zucchero semolato
2 tuorli
panna acida o panna fresca q.b. per impastare e che l'impasto risulta non appiccicoso alle mani

ripieno di noci:

225 gr di zucchero semolato
300 g gherigli di noci macinate
latte caldo q.b.
scorza di arancia
1-2 cucchiai di marmellata *
1 manciata di uva passa
1 cucchiaio di cacao
1 bianco di uovo montato a neve

ripieno di semi di papavero :

75 g di zucchero
75 gr di miele
100 g di semi di papavero
buccia di arancia o di limone
una manciata di uva passa
latte caldo q.b.
1 bianco di uovo montato a neve

panna acida o fresca per spennellare prima di infornare o tuorlo di uovo ( io ho spennellato con panna acida perche anche nel impasto ho aggiunto panna acida)

Frullate il burro e lo zucchero e aggiungete i tuorli. Versate il lievito sciolto con il latte e il miele/ zucchero e la farina e impastate aggiungendo panna ( fresca o acida) quanto è necessario per ottenere un impasto che non si appiccica alle mani. Lasciate lievitare in un posto caldo per 30 minuti / mentre preparate il ripieno.

Preparariamo il ripieno:

di noci ...
Mescolate lo zucchero con le noci macinate e gli altri ingredienti e aggiungete il latte caldo per coprire tutto, lasciate sobbollire a fuoco basso fino diventa cremoso (attenzione a non bruciare mescolate sempre). Quando diventa una crema lasciatella che si raffredda e aggiungete il bianco montato a neve.

di semi di papavero ...
Riscaldate il miele a bagnomaria o nel forno a microonde e aggiungete lo zucchero e i semi di papavero macinati nella machina macina caffè o nel trittatutto , facendo atenzione perche i semi di papavero scaldano la machina e si rischia di brucciarla , non macinate troppi semi in una sola volta. Aggiungete the rest of the ingredients and the hot milk to cover everything, cook over low heat until creamy. Let cool and add the white whites.

Divide the dough in two and roll out the first part ain a rectangular shape with the length of the measurement of the length of the pan, and much thinner, 'you can without breaking the thin dough. Pour the filling first as a swivel, spreading the filling on the pastry, how to turn a simple swivel. We can help with baking paper (roll out the dough on parchment paper and not on the table is easy to roll and then to move into the pan). Proceed in the same way for the second mixture and the second filling. Put all the two swivels in a baking pan with parchment paper or baking pan dusted with flour, il'impasto and fat, almost like a pastry and not attacking the pan easily. Brush with sour cream or egg yolk and bake at medium heat until they become golden. Do not overcook because the imapsto sbricciola becomes too dry and you look like a biscuit. Let them cool and thinly slice after having dusted with icing sugar. * I used

quince jam, but you can do with apricot jam or peach and without
** there are two schools of thought who adds the yeast and who is not, I chose to add

in Roman

ingredient pentru 2 baigli one with walnuts and one with mac: 450 gr flour


100g butter 1 / 2 package dry yeast (or 10 grams fresh yeast) 1 teaspoon melted with warm milk and 1 teaspoon sugar or honey 2 **
2 tablespoons granulated sugar

yellow cream is needed to read iasaun dough does not stick to hands

nut filling: 225 gr granulated sugar

300 gr ground walnuts
cleaned and how much is needed
hot milk crust race 1 to 2 tablespoons orange marmalade

a handful of raisins * 1 tablespoon cocoa

beat 1 egg white foam filled with poppy


75 grams sugar 75 grams honey 100 grams poppy ground

coaja rasa de portocala sau lamiie
un pumn de stafide
lapte fierbinte daca este nevoie
1 albus spuma

smintina pentru uns baigli inainte sa le coacem sau galbenus de ou

Pregatim aluatul amestecind untul cu zaharul pina devine spuma, adaugam si galbenusele si mixam iar ( se poate amesteca cu lingura sau cu mixerul). Adaugam drojdia topita cu lapte si zahar sau miere si faina si framintam adaugind smintina atit cit este nevoie ca sa rezulte un aluat care nu se lipeste de miini.Lasati sa dospeasca putin, la loc cadut, cca 30 minute cit pregatiti umpluturile.

Pregatim umpluturile :

cu nuca ...
amestecam zaharul cu nucile si restul ingredientelor si adaugam how hot milk to cover everything, let it simmer on low heat until creamy (careful not to burn or an lièeasca, stir constantly). When you put the cream has cooled down a bit and then add the beaten egg white foam.

poppy ...
put honey in the warm bain marie or preferably oven / microwave and add sugar and ground poppy (in risnnita car for coffee or ground nuts) and add the remaining ingredients and how to cover the hot milk. Allow to simmer on low heat until creamy. Let cool and add egg white foam.

Divide dough in two and spread first sheet, rectangular pan with sides has length and as thin. Place the first filling o nivelati si rulati aluatul, e bine sa va ajutati de o bucata de hirtie de copt ( intindeti aluatul pe hirtie de copt si nu pe masa de lucru, in felul asta odata rulat este deja pe hirtie si va e usor sa asezati cu hirtia rulada in tava). Procedam identic si pentru cea de-a doua umplutura. Punem ruladele in tava una linga alta, pe hirtie de copt sau in tava presarata numai cu faina ( aluatul este destul de gras si nu se lipeste). Ungem fiecare rulada cu smintina ( acra ) sau daca vreti cu galbenus de ou si coacem la foc mediu pina cind devin aurii. Nu le coaceti prea mult ca se va sfarima aluatul, o sa fie ca un biscuit care se intareste. Le lasam la racit apoi le taiem felii si daca vreti le pudrati zahar pudra.

* am folosit marmelada de gutui dar may as well make apricot jam, peach
original is no jam, cocoa, raisins but I pieced together several recipes I read and an improvised my taste. **

are two kinds of recipes without yeast or yeast I chose english

Ingredients per 2 Another one with nuts and poppy seeds with 450 gr

OO flour 100g butter 1
/ 2 package dry yeast (fresh yeast or 10 grams) 1 teaspoon melted with warm milk and 1 teaspoon sugar or honey 2 tablespoons granulated sugar **

two yolks fresh cream or sour cream as you Need to knead the Dough does stick note
nuts to filling:

225 gr granulated sugar
300 g peeled and ground nuts
hot milk as you need
orange zest
1-2 tablespoons marmalade *
1 handful of raisins
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 white egg

poppyseeds filling:

75 g sugar
75 gr honey
100 g freshly ground poppyseeds (finely)
orange or lemon zest
a handful of raisins
hot milk how much you need
1 egg white

sour cream or yolk for greased before you bake

Mix butter, yolks and sugar, add flour and yeast mixed with milk and a tablespoon of sugar and knead, add sour cream or fresh cream ( I used sour cream) as you need to knead a dough does not stick to hands. While the dough is rising,  prepare the filling .

nuts filling:

Mix the sugar with nuts and remaining ingredients and add hot milk how to cover everything, let it simmer on low heat until creamy (be careful not to burn, stir constantly). Cool the cream and then add whiped egg white.

poppyseeds filling:

Warmed the honey in a bain marie or microwave and add sugar and ground poppyseeds and the remaining ingredients and milk as you need to cover all and cook over low heat until creamy. Let cool and add egg white foam.

Divide dough in two and roll each out in a rectangular shape( the long part equal as the long side of the pan). Spread with filling each one ( first with nuts and the other one with poppyseeds filling ) and roll up. Use a backing paper to roll the dough and use it to roll up with the filling, at least use the same paper in the pan to bake the beigli. Let rise in a warm area. Brush each cake with sour cream or with egg yolk and bake at medium heat until golden brown. Let them cool and then cut them into slices, if you want first powder your baigli with powdered sugar.

* I used quince jam but you may use apricot jam or peach or don't add jam... The original recoipe it is withaout jam, cacao, raisins, but after I reed a lot of recipes in internet I prepare as I like :-)

** there are 2 kind of recipe with and without yeast, I choose adding the yeast.


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