Monday, December 27, 2010

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Sarmale - Romanian cabbage rolls - cabbage rolls with beef (recipe Romania)

The "Sarmale" are the cabbage rolls. The name comes from the verb meaning tturco sarmak arrotolare.Nella the Romanian cuisine "sarmale" are presented in different ways and with different fillings. Almost every household or region has its own recipe. Even the dimensions are different : Moldova in the rolls must be very small, are the largest in Transylvania For Lent can replace the meat with mushrooms or vegetables.
rolls in cabbage leaves are all over the ' Europe, perhaps ever brought by the Turks:
- with blanched cabbage are also in Italy's Piedmont and Lombardy capunét Capua, I read that in Tuscany are prepared, maybe even more but I have never heard
- are prepared with sour cabbage in the Ukraine, Poland.
In Romania are preparing anche gòli involtini in foglia di vite ( simili a dolmades  in Grecia o Turchia, ma con ripieni diversi, con delle erbe aromatice diverse di quelle usate nella cucina turca o greca) ma anche involtini di carne macinata in foglie di tiglio o di Romice erba pazienza (lat. Rumex patientia ) .

- 1 cavolo verza grande
- 700 gr carne tritta mista (maiale e vitello)
- 1 cipolla
- aromi (pepe, paprica, sale, prezzemolo tritato o anetto)
- 100 gr di riso
- concentrato di pomodoro
- aneto secco e santoreggia /erba din San Giuliano o timo
se a cualquno piace il gusto piu' grasso scegliete della carne piu' grassa.

In traditional recipe if you add a tablespoon of lard that makes the rolls less compact and more 'soft.
In Romania prepares for first acisda the cabbage, autumn begins in brine.

In the absence of this sour cabbage (pickled) we soften the cabbage leaves: bolente is immersed in water + lemon juice + salt to a second sheet and continue with the first layer all large leaves, small you put on the bottom of the pot. To make them soft in the end all the leaves until they become a very hot little transparent, they drain.

Quest 'year I made the cabbage in brine.
I put the cabbage ( cavolo verza anche se quella giusta è un tipo di cavolo capuccio) in acqua bollente e man mano che la foglia esterna si ammorbidiva la toglievo . Si puo' anche mettere la verza nel frizer e dopo una notte si scongela ed è morbida, si tolgono facilmente le foglie si puo' arrotolare.
Ho tagliato la parte molto grossa, centrale, di ogni folglia. Se la foglia è troppo grande si puo' tagliare in due, la misura giusta è quasi quanto il vostro palmo della mano . Con le foglie sbolentate e addagiate una sopra l'altra ho formato due rotoli che ho infilato in un baratolo, sul fondo del baratolo avevo meso rametti di santoreggia secca e semi di aneto ( dovevo mettere fusti con l'inflorescenza del aneto), sopra i rotoli di verza ho aggiunto of chopped cabbage and dill and savory again. It should be well dried thyme if you do not find another. I poured the brine (per liter of water a spoon, add salt, not iodized salt is dissolved in cold water or you can 'boil and then cool). Once filled with brine baratolo cover with a saucer and leave in warm place in the kitchen if it is' the cabbage becomes very hot acid in 1-2 weeks, but if your kitchen is as I have around 18 -19 ° C, perhaps in a month. Do not throw away the brine advanced because it begins to brew a little escapes' from baratolo and then you add a little more to get the full baratolo and the cabbage covered with brine.

With the blanched cabbage or sour prepare the rolls.

the chopped onion to the pan if the stove with some oil, salt and rice cuando until the rice becomes a little transparent. You add the tomato paste
amalgam is the meat with the onion, rice ...
Take a cabbage leaf (a half after we removed the hard part), it puts on a spoonful of filling, the cabbage wraps, they will eventually push inward with your fingers the edges of the cabbage, so that the roll closes completely.

In a pot (or crock ideal would be to Ghiza) then you can also put in the oven, you put one or two whole leaves of cabbage and a layer of thin strips of cabbage and then, beam or concentric circles, the involtni thick. In the middle of the circle and obtained over each layer of cabbage rolls it adds cut, diced bacon or smoked meat or sausage afumicatta. This continues until all the rolls. Above everything is covered with another leaf or cabbage very finely.
You add cold water almost to cover them and cook over low heat for when it begins to boil many hours (more 'cooks, the better). Do not mix because if you do not disappear, sometimes you just have to move well above the pot when the water is going to consume everything. After the first hour you can 'continue to cook in the oven if the pan is suitable. Bake without a cover.

note: Instead of blanching the cabbage you can put in the freezer for a night, the day after the leaves will have thawed morbideissime, perfect to be rolled.

note: the sour cabbage rolls is perfect for shops in Romania, Poland or ucarini. he leaves sottilissime e vengono molto belli dei involtini

in Romanian

a large cabbage
700 gr minced beef 1 onion

mixed spices (salt, pepper, paprika, chopped parsley or dill) rice 100g

broth dried dill and thyme

sauerkraut cabbage or lack thereof that scalding hot water + salt + lemon juice or soup cube ...
introduce cabbage in boiling water first, undo the first layer of leaves and so continue, when we put them off all the leaves boiled in water until they become almost transparent, they leak, cut the very middle (rib) and share spreadsheets higher in two pieces ... the ideal size is how your hand. This year I put
pickled cabbage as seen in the pictures I have found it, the green leaf grows. Who does not want to opareasca
cabbage can post it in the freezer for one night, one out of two days and thawed, soft sheets will be better prepared with cabbage rolls and place them in the pickle jar.

prepare filling: onions stewed with oil, rice, broth, then add meat and spices ...

take each piece of leaf and 1 tablespoon of filling we read, enter and run the inside edge ...

The bottom of the pot put a layer of cabbage leaves broken or too small, then cabbage cabbage in cercuri concentrice sau ca razele un strat de foi tocate si alt strat de sarmale. La final deasupra acoperim cu frunze de varza, adaugam mararul si cimbrul uscat, punem apa aproape cit sa le acoperim si pe foc mic cu capac fierbem cit mai multe ore. Dupa prima ora de fierbere putem muta vasul cu sarmale la cuptor unde se continua fierberea tot la foc mic, cu cit mai mult fierb cu atit sunt mai bune. Sau le coacem in cuptor de la inceput pina la sfirsit.


1 cabbage
700 grams ground meat mixed
1 onion
spices (salt, pepper, paprika, chopped parsley or dill)
100 g rice
dried dill and Savory

Any family have his own recipe and secrets and in any romanian region you can find anothe recipe and prepare tecnique. In Transilvania the stuffed cabbage rolls are big and in Moldova little. The filling may be differnt ( before the Chrismas or Easter filling with rice ). In Romania also may find stuffed rolls using grape leaves ( as the greek or turk recipe but filling with pork meat ) or Tilia's leaf or Rumex patientia leaves.

For Chrismas we use sauerkraut. Prepared in autumn.
I prepared 1 month before Christmas my own sauerkraut using a cabbage that I found, a savoy cabbage .
Add whole cabbage in salted boilling water for 5 -10 minutes ( depending how thick the leaves are. Once boiled take each leaf carefully. I put together 10 -12 leaves and I roll it together. Insert in a jar with dill and savory . Add the brine ( 1 liter watter with 1 tablespoon sea salt ) and add dill and savory again. Cover the jar with a plate. Let it until next day and check it, add another brine if need, make sure the cabbage is submerged in brine. Sauerkraut is usually ready to eat in 3-7 days if you keep the jar in kitchen, in a warm place or in 1 month if you keep it like me in a 17-18 °C degreas . When it is ready you can put the jar in a cold place.

prepare the filling : stew the onion in oil and add uncooked rice and the meat( half ground beef and half ground pork), tomato paste and spices.

Take a cabbage leaf and put on one tablespoon filling, roll it as in the photos.

In a deep pan at the bottom spread sauerkraut and Some cut leaves. Add one layer of rolls, sauerkraut and Another layer of rolls. Finish with a layer of sauerkraut and dill and savory. Add water, cover the rolls. Boil on stove top slow heat at aprox, 1 hour and then bake it (180 ° C or less) for 2-3 hours.

also read / Citeste si / Also Read: rolls of meat in vine leaves - Sarmale de foi in life (recipe Romania)


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