Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Reduces The Effectiveness Of Yoghurt

cauliflower with mayonnaise - Conopida cu maioneza - Cauliflower with mayonnaise

ingredienti :


Lessate il cavolfiore ( o soltanto le inflorescenze) fino ad ammorbidirlo bene.
Peel the garlic and crush in a mortar with the salt, to form a smooth paste.
making mayonnaise at home or use one already ready. I've prepared this recipe
Break the cauliflower into pieces and add nice and simple mayonnaise seasoned with salt and crushed garlic (not too much garlic, just to give a little 'flavor of the mayonnaise).
If you like, add chopped fresh dill and cream of cauliflower with mayonnaise.
ammalgamare and left for almost 30 minutes in refrigerator before serving with slices of bread toasted or not.

Weekend Herbal Blogging
weekly collection of recipes with
herbs, flowers, fruit and vegetables.

With this recipe for the collection hosted this week 9 to 12 December 2010 by Cristina's eye All for a wonderful initiative of Bri Briggis recept och ideer to organize the Italian version WHB, WHB founded by Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen

The vegetable now is the Cauliflower / cauliflower / conopida

Cauliflower is a vegetable season not to miss on your table. It contains vitamins and antiossidanti, poche calorie(25 per 100 gr). E' ricco di minerali, acido folico, fibre, ferro, fosforo, calcio, potassio, magnesio, fosforo, vitamina C (allo stato fresco, ne contiene quanto le arance) e vitamina B9, necessaria alla moltiplicazione e al rinnovamento cellulare. Ha principi attivi antibatterici, antinfiammatori, antiossidanti, antiscorbuto, depurativi, rimineralizzanti e benefici per la rigenerazione dei tessuti. Indicato in casi di diabete perché non contiene glutine (è adatto anche ai celiachi) e secondo alcuni studi americani previene il cancro al colon e l’ ulcera e cura l’ anemia. E’ invece controindicato in caso di ipotiroidismo (contiene sostanze che rallentano il lavoro della tiroide).
Il cavolfiore si pulisce staccando le foglie esterne e le cimette dal torsolo e lavandole accuratamente sotto acqua corrente.
Se acquistato fresco si può consumare anche crudo (è anche più digeribile e salutare): conserva inalterate tutte le sue sostanze benefiche.




Bring water to a boil and add cauliflower, cook until florets are tender. Drain.
Prepare garlic cream . Put the cloves of garlic in a mortar with the salt and crush into they are a paste. You can also crush them in a press or mince very finely and then add Later the jump. Prepare the mayonese
or buy it. I used my home made mayonese. Break cauliflower into small pieces
and add mayonese, garlic cream, salt and dill if you like it. Let
it in the fridge for around 30 minutes Until serves it with bread slices (Toasted or Not).

in Romanian

cauliflower garlic mayonnaise

dill Boil cauliflower inflorescence or just until it is soft.
Prepare mayonnaise in the house, I did my old recipe of mayonnaise from a whole egg and you already know that I published here . Prepare garlic cream
: crushed dogs Curare garlic with salt until creamy.
cauliflower broken into small pieces Mix with mayonnaise, salt, garlic and chopped dill praospata, if you like. Let
cold even 30 minutes and then serve with slices of bread, even fried.


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