Monday, November 15, 2010

What Men Wear A Tanga Brief?

Baked potatoes with poppy seeds - Crispy baked potatoes with crunchy poppyseeds-Cartofi Coptic cu seminte de mac

ingredienti :

farina di ceci
semi di papavero
sale, olio

- Tagliate le patate giĆ  sbucciate in nice and simple or large pieces according to your taste
- If you only want to cut the potatoes into halves or cubes or 4 large the need sbolentare from 2 to 5-6 minutes depending on the size of the pieces of potato. They should not be read just a little 'soft. If you want to cut the potatoes into pieces as mine are nice and simple without being ready sbolentate.
- Season the potatoes with no dry with a little oil and then in the chickpea flour amalgmata with poppy seeds (I paid the chickpea flour and seeds Pavero in a freezer bag of potatoes and I added in, slammed / turned the envelope in order to attack the flour over the potatoes and seeds).
- Place the potatoes already seasoned in a pan with parchment paper and bake at high heat in the oven Come per le gia caldo spotted the classic ricetta forno. Salads
alla fine. Sono buona a hot


in Romanian

ingredients: potatoes

chickpea flour, poppy seeds
salt, oil

- Cut the potatoes already peeled, or larger pieces small as you like.
- If you have decided to cut them into quarters or halves (and the potatoes are large) or quite large cubes then pour the potatoes into a pot tr boiling salted water and boil 2 to lasatii 5-6 minutes depending on how ares are smaller cubes to cook less and larger pieces more. There must flow but boiled potatoes numai putin mai moi decit daca asa cum sunt cruzi. Daca insa vreti sa faceti cuburi mici sau cum sunt ai mei in stil cartof prajit mai mare nu trebuie sa ii mai opariti.
- Condimentati cartofii cu putin ulei apoi ii amestecati cu faina de naut deja amestecata cu semintele de mac ( eu am pus faina de naut impreuna cu semintele de mac intr-o punga pentru congelator si am adaugt cartofii in ea, am strins punga la gura si am invirtit-o ptin, agitat-o cit sa se lipeasca faina si semintele de cartofi).
- Puneti cartofii care s-au acoperit cu o crusta fina de faina de naut si seminte de mac pe o tava cu hirtie de copt, introduceti la cuptor la foc mare in cuptorul deja incalzit exact cum ati proceda pentru reteta clasica de cartofi la cuptor .

Asugati sarea la sfirsit cind cartofii sunt gata.

Serviti calzi sau reci simpli ca o gustare sau ca o garnitura.



chickpea flour
poppy seeds
salt, oil

- Cut the peeled potatoes in pieces
- If you only want to cut the potatoes into halves or large cubes need to boil them from 2 to 5-6 minutes as the size of the potato pieces. Don't boil them to much. If you want to cut the potatoes into little pieces as mine they are ready to be baked without boil them.
- Season the potatoes with oil and then in a large resealable plastic bag combine the chickpea flour with poppy seed, add potatoes, seal bag and shake to coat.
- Place the potatoes in a baking dish with baking paper and bake at high heat in an allready preheated oven until potatoes are lightly browned and tender.
Add salt at the end.
Serve them hot or cold

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also : Crash hot potatoes


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