Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dragonball Z Doujinshi Blueberry

hazelnut gelato and a bonus for us!

CIAOOO all ... continue my experiments with the production of ice cream ... the rest I'm having fun like crazy, so why stop??
Well this time it's the nuts ... I was still a little bag after Christmas and I thought well to use them for this recipe! The result was interesting ... but still to review, I intend to propose it again this fall with a few changes! Meanwhile, here are preparing ...


150 gr di nocciole
180 gr di latte
1 confezione di panna per dolci
90 gr di zucchero


Per far prima ho comperato le nocciole già belle che sgusciate, anche se forse il procedimento con le nocciole ancora da tostare sarebbe stato più soddisfacente...
Cmq...passate al mixer le nocciole con lo zucchero fino a che queste non rilasciano il loro olio e formano una pasta molto morbida...e aggiungo anche molto gustosa (perchè io assaggio ad ogni passaggio!!)
aggiungete il latte, la panna e mettete nella gelatiera!
Di recente ho letto la ricetta del gelataio famoso della Prova del Cuoco, che fa il gelato senza aggiunta di panna, che in effetti secondo me dovrebbe essere non avendo addensanti particolari ho pensato che il solo latte non si sarebbe mai montato in maniera decente...cmq è da provare, secondo me questo è il trucco per ottenere un sapore ancora più intenso e deciso!

Cogliamo l'occasione con questo post di ringraziare Elisa che ci ha regalato questo bellissimo premio

che a nostra volta giriamo a

Manu e Silvia

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mount And Bladecd Cover

steak tartare


Filetto di manzo: 120 grammi
Acciuge sott'olio: due
Pickled gherkins, two
Capers in brine, a handful
Shallot: an egg yolk
frescchissimo: a
Salt: to taste Pepper
Worchester sauce to taste, a tablespoon Tabasco
: at the discretion
Juice of one lemon Butter
: qb
Tost: qb

PREPARATION: Clean the thread

any remnants of grease, take a sharp knife and chop (if not mince from the butcher do it)
Tritatre all the other ingredients add to the thread to put the juice of lemon, Worcestershire sauce, tabasco, egg yolk, salt and pepper and mix well.
Toast the bread and serve with butter.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Foto De Cancer De Prostate

My first pie \\ o / and walk around the blog

It is true it is not nothing to enhance ahah just out of laziness I've never made one, and last night I decided to make my first pie with zucchini and shrimp!
There was still the pastry in the fridge that I wanted to buy me, but nobody wanted it because it's too hot and turn the oven is not so nice: P but so yesterday the weather was not the best, and indeed there was a really bad wind
As for ingredients and preparation, I decided to stay on the generic, however, because the quantity and quality or trays are different from case to case, so I will just tell you:)
I used a fairly large zucchini so tale che bastassero poi per riempire la sfoglia: le ho tagliate a rondelline (perchè non avevo granchè tempo e almeno hanno cotto piuttosto velocemente), e messe in padella con un filo d'olio in cui ho lasciato prima rosolare due spicchietti d'aglio.
Una volta pronte le zucchine, che avranno cotto si e no una ventina di minuti, le ho mescolate ad un uovo (mia mamma proponeva due, ma io ho optato per una, ed il tutto è rimasto ugualmente abbastanza compatto ;) ) e messe nella sfoglia che avevo precedentemente adagiato in una teglia di medie dimensioni (in modo che non venisse altissima).
Una volta pronto tutto quanto ho lasciato cuocere in forno per 30 minuti, dopo i quali ho aggiunto i gamberettini e 3 sottilette (io le ho divided in half crosswise, so they came to cover most parts of the cake, because I am also the part that I think more taste ahah) and I let go of the oven for another 5 minutes.
And then .. we got to eat like vultures, and then the photo is now rimasuglino auah I did, however, to give an idea and I know that's not really the best XD Anyway
now wander through the blogs and I found one full of fantasticissime cakes, I decided ke sooner or later I will! tse <.< ci devo riuscire ahah e poi inutile dire ke m'è venuta una fame assurda (che poi è solo golosità, ahimè uno dei miei 7 peccati capitali XD)
a nice day kiss! : D

Sunday, June 21, 2009

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Ice Cream

Good Sunday to all ... today I had planned to go swimming, a swim and take me a little bit of sun ... just a given that pochello I also have a cuddle with cream, and if no risk of becoming a lobster! But ... nothing more, because today the weather is not the best, especially a few clouds and cool breeze! Nothing to postpone next week if you can!
On the other hand, do not try treating the costume I made yet another fresh ice cream, this time I decided to do a mix of fruit and ice so I made the salad, flavored with a sprinkling of cinnamon-flavored everything!
is preparing ...


350 g mixed fruit (I used an apricot, a nectarine and a fishing peaches, a handful of cherries and a slice of melon)

100 g sugar 1 package cream cake
some sprinkling of cinnamon

Pass the fruit, cut into cubes in a mixer and add sugar, whisking a few moments. Add the cream and pour everything into ice cream! After about 20 minutes I stopped the ice cream and dusted with a little 'cinnamon! The ice cream is the
Grangel Aries 638.

With this recipe for the collection of

Friday, June 19, 2009

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spicy salad pumpkin and potato soup with barley

I'm back ... I'm missing is a few days and thank God today is Friday, the weekend is coming ... and hopefully good weather!
sun, warm, muggy, but there is nothing to prepare a tasty recipe perhaps seemingly winter, but if that is also savored warm refreshing! This time nothing sweet ... hihi ... it is a cream of pumpkin and potatoes!

Ingredients: (for two)

350/400 g pumpkin

small onion 2 medium potatoes
a sprig of rosemary
a few leaves of sage oil

a pinch of nutmeg
40 5 -50 grams of barley grains or vegetable broth


As you will see this recipe is very easy and quick, a delicate, so much goodness!
Pour a little 'oil in una pentola e tagliate la cipolla finemente. Nel frattempo tagliate a cubetti piccolissimi la zucca e qualche patata e mettete in pentola assieme a un po' di brodo vegetale. Aggiungete un rametto di rosmarino e due foglie di salvia, una grattuggiata di noce moscata e lasciate cuocere per 15 minuti circa.
A fine cottura passate tutto al mixer. Questa vellutata è gustosa anche da sola ma può essere ultimata con l'aggiunta di orzo o cereali precedentemente lessati in acqua.
Buon appetito!

Monday, June 15, 2009

How Can I Change My Backgroun Of My Pictuer

last summer and a little prize for you! Ice cream with berries

Si, effettivamente manca ancora qualche giorno alla vera e propria estate, e mia sorella ha già provveduto con i suoi mitici gelatini, così mi son data da fare anche io e finalmente ecco la nuova grafica!
It is not spectacular, because now is not so much that I do these things, but I'm so happy!
with brownish tones was much dolciolo, but were suited more for the winter, so there was a beautiful modernized, especially with summer colors and I adore my sister, green and pink, reminding a bit 'watermelon give the idea of \u200b\u200bfreshness and fun!
And with the arrival of summer here is a refreshingly cool prize for you who follow us forever, and for those who like to take it!
In particular, however, we would like to give it to

Federica without which the ice would still be loose silvia XD
FeF and Stefania to counter their very nice prizes and
Claudia , Cianfresca , Fiordivanilla and Mary who are always loyal to our blog!

not there if you do not want to name them, but still know that we are always delighted to have so many comments and requests, so feel free to also turn it over to you again to everyone!

Ps: I noticed that blogspot office only a sort of preview of the gif, so do not come alive, so if you want to display the award sbrillucica, you place the code to copy and paste Change in post by HTML (in case you had not noticed it next to "Write") [is nothing hard not to worry XD once pasted can return to the Write mode;)]

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why Is Duodenal Ulcer More Common Than Gastric

Here we are again, now as I have said is not nobody can stop me ... until I experience all the flavors of ice cream! ahaha and then gets really hot here so it's ideal for a light ... no oven only so much freshness and taste!
This time it is up to berries ... blueberries, raspberries and blackberries! that is not only delicious fruits, are beautiful to decorate!
;-) By the way we present two versions, the ice cream served in cups and a dessert made with ladyfingers and ice cream!


for ice cream 350 g of berries
whipping cream 1 package

100 grams of sugar per container: Savoy

some fruit juice to pleasure

Preparation: Go to the mixer

the berries with sugar and then add the cream stirring! ... I love the color purple and the mixture is a wonder of color!
Pour into ice cream machine according to the times of your machine and then put in the freezer for a few hours to stabilize the ice cream! For
the dessert I used the pastry rings and I cut the biscuits soaked in fruit juice as desired by placing them first on the base and then vertically all around to form the "container" of your ice cream! Pour the ice cream and then only when the last out of the freezer tirerete decorated with berries! The ice cream is used
Grangel Aries 638.

With this recipe for the collection of

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hot Chocolate Instead Of Cocoa

Orecchiette made by chance auah

Yesterday while my sister undertook to think that he had forgotten the ice cream out (but is Svampa Okay! Auah) I am putting prepare the legendary orecchiette! Mythical
.. Okay auaha say mythical ke perhaps because their bill is a legend that one thing that has succeeded
XD Well we were so clumsy in her ke could not do a video auah yet we bend with laughter to see him, we were really funny auha

cmq ingredients and preparation are very simple, I then I used to knead Mr. Molly because as I said I have a nasty aversion to the mixture of flour and water, everything molloso auaha

Then I decided to dress a bit 'different from the usual broccoli or peaks (which I personally adore, but alas I have not found) or a cream of zucchini very very fast and really good!


300 g Hard wheat flour 150 grams of water

a pinch of salt

For the cream of zucchini:

3 large zucchini

oil to taste

a clove of garlic

some grated parmesan


If you want me to be more traditional, place the flour on a large enough, to form a fountain, and add the water gradually and begin to knead well until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous .. otherwise everything into the mixer and go! auah
Add flour if you feel the dough will have come a bit 'too soft, and a council, also flour the work surface and tray where you're going to make orecchiette, or (as happened to us auaha of course) as the fresh pasta tends to attack and then it's a bit 'boring to be a disconnect auricle auricle XD

The mechanism for "form" orecchiette not know quite explain it, also because we are a bit' special uahaha cmq but I think the video is not understood well!

With regard to the creamy sauce instead, simply a well oiled pan, add the garlic, then cook the zucchini for about twenty minutes. Once

cooking everything to pass the mixer and then stir-fry with earflaps and a bit 'of grated cheese: D

Have fun preparing for a possible but especially for the video XD auah

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o. .... Cheesecake dessert with mango ice cream with raspberry sauce and amaretto :-)

the other night ... department at the supermarket fruit ... good thing we take for dinner??
A beautiful mango was the idea of \u200b\u200bmy sister, so I thought, "and if we did something tasty?" And why not ... it seemed perfect! I then personally go crazy for exotic fruit with the taste of distant lands, sea and sun! I immediately thought of ice cream at this time I love to prepare ... but I wanted to present it in an alternate version, so I grabbed a bowl of beautiful red raspberries and a box of macaroons ... the result? Here it is ... looks like a fresh cheesecake and instead is a dessert of ice cream!

... among other things, convinced that the ice cream had been placed in the freezer and instead remained in the box ... nooooo !!!... do now I had prepared for the ice cream ... and then here I tested that the method can work without ice cream, for those who do not have!


1 ripe mango

200 ml of milk 1 package panna
100 gr di zucchero
1 vaschetta di lamponi
1 tocchetto di burro

utilizzare il coppapasta o formina


Per il gelato, tagliare a pezzetti il mango e con il mixer ridurlo a polpa, aggiungere il latte, la panna, lo zucchero e passare qlche istante ancora al mixer per far amalgamare il tutto. In generale per fare un semplice gelato se non avete la gelatiera potete riporre in freezer per 5 o 6 ore (dipende anche dai gradi) e una volta congelato romperlo a pezzi e ripassare di nuovo al mixer per far incorporare l'aria e renderlo di nuovo cremoso!
Per ottenere questa mini cheesecake di gelato ho utilizzato il coppapasta, I crumbled amaretti biscuits with butter and put them on the bottom as a base, then I poured the mixture into ice cream freezer that I had left just an hour so that you rapprendesse. In order to make time to serve a cold raspberry sauce simply by crushing them with a fork and add sugar to taste! Decorate and serve!

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Prizes for us! :-)

I wanted to thank Stefania Fiorella and the premiums we have paid!
We read that the prize should be given to us by Stefania associated with a name ... we call it "The sleepy"


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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The recipe comes by his chef Filippo La Mantia

I made some minor changes due to lack of fresh products such as mushrooms and cheese from Ragusa, I hope you will forgive me

Ingredients for two

Noodles: 300 grams
Orange: a
Basil: a
bunch capers: a
handful toasted almonds: a handful
Tomatoes: five
oil Ages:
taste fresh porcini mushrooms: two
Cheese Ragusa horse I used to taste our Puglia, even local


Meanwhile, cook pasta to prepare the pesto, peeling an orange in vivo, cut into four pieces or more and put all ingredients in a blender, minus the horse and cheese and whisk well, adding enough oil, once it has obtained a smooth sauce, in metterella a frying pan and add the mushrooms cut into julienne strips (I used dried porcini mushrooms boiled and then cut into julienne strips, of course, will be fresh with something else, but I guarantee that il risultato è stato ottimo) con un filo d'olio evo e fare riscaldare, scolare la pasta al dente, versarla nella padella e fare insaporire per qualche minuto.
Servire con il cacio cavallo grattugiato a grana grossa, il risultato è garantito.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

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licorice ice cream and ice cream with peanut brittle and caramel muffins

The heat goes on ... right there we start the summer ... was planned a weekend of bad weather instead of surprise and a nice sunshine! better!
But he could not miss the recipe for the weekend, and now since I came in vivo experiments of ice cream, here is a great recipe! mmm I have to say that these two tastes are liked very much! Unfortunately the photo to the crisp is not seen well because we made the photo a bit 'in haste and also because after I put the caramel ... cmq assure the goodness!

:-) PS: I did not write ... I do not want to forget, but the licorice ice cream is repeated on the basis of the teacher Federica , I simply changed the proportions ingredients! ...

licorice ice


2 packages of pure licorice Taboo

milk 200 ml whipping cream 1 package of 100 grams of sugar

Boil milk in a double boiler and melt a bit 'for the time that you have previously shredded licorice to make her dust. Add sugar. Allow to cool and let stand for 1 hour in refrigerator.
Add the cream and put it all into ice cream.

ice cream with peanut brittle and caramel


1 or 2 handfuls of shelled peanuts
80 g sugar 200 ml milk

2 packages of cream cake
100 grams of sugar caramel

Melt sugar in milk by heating it slightly. Add the cream and put everything in the ice cream .. this is the base of the ice cream.
Apart made a nice crunchy peanuts with sugar and when it is cooled break it into small pieces. Add the pieces of crispy when there are only 5 minutes to ice cream.
For serving, garnish with a little 'liquid caramel.

Con questa ricetta partecipiamo alla raccolta di

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wedding Program Wording Templates


Ieri 2 giugno festa della Repubblica abbiamo passato la giornata ai laghi...un bel pic-nic con la famiglia e tanto tanto non poteva mancare qualche leccornia da portar via! ;-)...e cosa di meglio di qualche focaccina ammazzafame come spuntino prima del pranzo??? ahaha XD...


300 gr di farina 00
5 gr di lievito di birra
10 gr di fiocchi di patate
20 gr di olio extra vergine di oliva
200 ml di acqua
un pizzico di sale
60 gr di olive verdi snocciolate


Dissolve the yeast in a little warm water and let it rest a few minutes. Mix (we used the Mr.Molly ...) flour, potato flakes, 100 ml of water, salt and olive oil. Gradually add the remaining water until dough is soft looking. Now add the green olives cut into small pieces. When the dough is sticky nice to put a little flour and put it aside in a bowl covered with plastic wrap for 2 hours. We, as always, we adopt the method of the bowl wrapped in blankets ... so the environment is warm and the dough has a doubling her going. At rest completed Grease a baking dish and with hands still soaked in oil to form the scones go by the classic small holes on the surface. Let stand for another 40 minutes, after this time, add some olives cut in half and sprinkle your scones with a handful of salt.
Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 ° ... and enjoy!