Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Foto De Cancer De Prostate

My first pie \\ o / and walk around the blog

It is true it is not nothing to enhance ahah just out of laziness I've never made one, and last night I decided to make my first pie with zucchini and shrimp!
There was still the pastry in the fridge that I wanted to buy me, but nobody wanted it because it's too hot and turn the oven is not so nice: P but so yesterday the weather was not the best, and indeed there was a really bad wind
As for ingredients and preparation, I decided to stay on the generic, however, because the quantity and quality or trays are different from case to case, so I will just tell you:)
I used a fairly large zucchini so tale che bastassero poi per riempire la sfoglia: le ho tagliate a rondelline (perchè non avevo granchè tempo e almeno hanno cotto piuttosto velocemente), e messe in padella con un filo d'olio in cui ho lasciato prima rosolare due spicchietti d'aglio.
Una volta pronte le zucchine, che avranno cotto si e no una ventina di minuti, le ho mescolate ad un uovo (mia mamma proponeva due, ma io ho optato per una, ed il tutto è rimasto ugualmente abbastanza compatto ;) ) e messe nella sfoglia che avevo precedentemente adagiato in una teglia di medie dimensioni (in modo che non venisse altissima).
Una volta pronto tutto quanto ho lasciato cuocere in forno per 30 minuti, dopo i quali ho aggiunto i gamberettini e 3 sottilette (io le ho divided in half crosswise, so they came to cover most parts of the cake, because I am also the part that I think more taste ahah) and I let go of the oven for another 5 minutes.
And then .. we got to eat like vultures, and then the photo is now rimasuglino auah I did, however, to give an idea and I know that's not really the best XD Anyway
now wander through the blogs and I found one full of fantasticissime cakes, I decided ke sooner or later I will! tse <.< ci devo riuscire ahah e poi inutile dire ke m'è venuta una fame assurda (che poi è solo golosità, ahimè uno dei miei 7 peccati capitali XD)
a nice day kiss! : D


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