Sunday, October 4, 2009

How Much Worth Real Pearl Necklace

Swivels custard and raisins

Buon pomeriggio a tutti voi!!

Era da un po' di tempo che volevo provare le famose girelle con crema pasticcera e uvetta, più volte viste in varie versioni sui vari blog...così mi son detta " ma perchè non provare??" le adoro, quando mi capita di vederle dietro al bancone del panettiere, magari appena sfornate, soft and fragrant ... mmmm delicious!
in reality this version, among other things, made using whole wheat flour, must be revisited again, does not satisfy me at all, I missed something, or maybe I'm wrong with the ingredients ... cmq the place!


200 grams of flour 100 grams of flour 00

100 g wheat flour 60 g butter 1 egg yolk

60 gr sugar 12 gr Yeast
120 g milk 120 g of water

a phial of lemon flavoring or lemon custard

2 / 3 handfuls of raisins


Melt the yeast in the milk a little 'warm and let rest for 5 minutes.
in the blender pour the flour, egg yolk, sugar, lemon zest or zest (better yet), I had no lemons at home ... strange but true! ...
Add milk that was previously dissolved yeast and butter.
The addition of water is to be determined, depending on the consistency of the dough, which should be pretty much like that of bread!
Pour the mixture into a bowl with high sides and let sit for about 2 hours, the time necessary to ensure that the dough doubles in volume.
Then roll out the dough on a floured surface and form a rectangle you are going to cover with pastry cream and raisins. Take a roll and end washers tagliatea you are going to place on parchment paper.
Bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes at least ...

I enjoyed trying this recipe, the flavor is reminiscent of buns! In my experience in the milk from the morning !!!.... W diet! :-)))
bon appetit!


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