Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wedding Sponsorship Letter Sample

Muceno (Wallachian recipe - traditional recipe in Wallachia)

Dolce traditional Rumanian Orthodox feast for the March 9 "The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste" as well as in perparano Wallachia and Dobrogea .

The shape of eight (8) or circle are survivals of human sacrifice in very distant at the beginning of the agricultural year and here are the figures of the 40 martyrs (40 those are the days of Lent) and the sweet broth icon corresponds to the frozen pond where they were exposed naked after the condemnation of the prefect. According to hagiographic tradition, were a group of soldiers belonging to the Roman Legio XII Fulminata, martyred for their Christian faith in 320. The forties were martyred at Sebaste, in Armenia minor, victims of the persecution of Licinius, unleashed from the year 316.

Ingredients for imapsto
100 gr flour 50 gr salt water

cinnamon nuts
ingredients for the syrup:
1cucchiaio of sugar per 100 ml water
grated lemon or orange

Mix flour with salt and water and let the dough rest covered in foil transparent. Take a portion of the dough and rolled like to get spaghetti or Tuscan pici. Nice and simple and we cut it into pieces the shape of eight (as in foto ) . I mucenici sono picoli 1-2 cm al massimo. Lasciamo una notte la pasta a seccare. .

Mettiamo i gherigli di noci in forno a 190°C per 10 minuti prima di  macinarli.
Mettiamo acqua con  pocchissimo sale a bollire ( 1 litro di acqua basta per questa quantità) . Quando l'acqua bolle mettiamo i Mucenici e quando i primi vengono a gala aggiungiamo lo zucchero e lasciamo sobollire a fuoco bassissimo per 15-30 minuti o quanto basta per ottenere la pasta cotta . Aggiungiamo anche  la scorza si arancia o limone  e alla fine la cannella e le noci ..
Servite caldo o freddo ( a me piace freddo o a temperatura della stanza ).

in romana

Cei 40 de mucenici din Sevastia erau soldați creștini, aflați în slujba împăratului roman Licinius. Aflând despre credința lor, Agricolae, guvernatorul Armeniei, i-a silit să se închine idolilor si  vazind ca refuza i-a condamnat la moarte prin înghețare în lacul Sevastiei

Forma de 8 este chipul mucenicilor ( mucenic = martir in slavona) iar zeama reprezinta lacul. Forma de 8 este un mod de a reprezenta un chip omenesc inca din vremuri indepartate inlocuind sacrificiile umane care se faceau la inceputul anului agricol.

100 gr faina
50 gr apa
1 lingura de zahar pentru feiacre 100 ml de apa
coaja rasa de la o lamiie sau portocala

Amestecam faina cu sarea si apa si framintam un alaut, il invelim in folie transparenta si il lasam sa se odihneasca la temperatura camerei. Din el luam bucati pe care le rasucim pina cind obtinem snururi putin mai  groase decit spaghetele, rupem bucati si impletim in forma de 8 . Lasam mucenicii sa se usuce timp de o noapte.
Punem apa la fiert cu putina sare, cind apa clocoteste varsam mucenicii si luam spuma . Cind primii mucenici se ridica la suprafata adaugam zaharul si gustam . Lasam sa fiarba la foc extrem de mic, fara sa clocoteasca, amestecind din cind to time for 15-30 minutes depending on quantity. ustati G to be boiled. Add lemon or orange zest.
heated in oven at 190 ° C, about 10 minutes then nutmeg and grind it. We
cinnamon and nuts, pickle or just the plate and serve hot or cold

english This is the valachian is very small ones and Dobrogea (1 cm) and dried in a liquid Served with nuts and cinnamon powder . For the Moldavian martyrs see here and here

The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste or the Holy Forty we're a group of Roman soldiers in the Legio XII fulminant (Armed with Lightning) who traditional martyrologies allege to have become martyrs for their Christian faith in 320.
The leggend  : the 8 form means the martyrs and the "sweet soup" the frozen lake where they were condemned by the prefect to be exposed naked .

100 gr all pupose flour
50 gr water
cinnamon powder
1 tablespoon sugar for every 100 ml water
gratted orange or lemon peel

Mix flour, salt and add water, combine the ingredients as well as you can in the bowl, then dump the contents on a large work space or plastic sheet. The dough is rolled out in a thick flat sheet, then cut into strips, starting in the center of the strip and using both hands rolling the strip between palms and fingers moving away from the center. Cut in in small parts and made 8 shape like in the photo. Let them dry one night long.

Put the walnuts in the oven for 10 minutes at 190 degrees Celsius and then crush them.
Put the water with the salt to boil. When the water is boiling add the Mucenici, when the first Mucenici will float to the top add sugar and let them boil for 15-30 minutes at very slow fire mixing from time to time. Add the gratted orange or lemon peel.
Add the cinnamon and the walnuts.
You can eat it warm or cold.

Leggi anche /Citeste si /Read also :

Mucenici - Dolce tradizionale in Moldova per la festa Orthodox March 9 "The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste" # 1 with egg and butter and butter with GGS

Muceno - Dolce traditional in Moldova for the Orthodox feast of March 9th "The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste" # 2 without egg and butter / without eggs and butter


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